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Aqua Pro

Anyone using this technology?


goilawn. I received an email from them. Below is the link to a video demo. I think it would be a pretty good tool to measure flatwork and houses for washing.

The unanswered question I have is how detailed/close can one zoom?

Obviously, a deck estimate would still require a splash test as well as close inspection to be really accurate but I think properly employed I can see where it might be an asset? Then again, I havent really put too much thought into the limitations/drawbacks aside from some very obvious ones.

Is anyone using it now? Thoughts?

For some reason, the link takes you to the short video...just below the flash box is a link to a more detailed vid

Go iLawn - Demo#

Edited by Aqua Pro

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Interesting. I already quote many jobs using Internet and satellite technology, but this is the first thing I've seen that is specifically designed for it.

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While it may provide for some ability to get measurements, it does not allow me to actually see the condition of the deck.

I take a survey of the site the first time I go out to avoid having to do so again unless structural changes are made or other contractors have serviced it in between time.

I can see why some may like it, but it does not allow one to see the decks built below the upper which I have found are not always an exact footprint of the one above it.

Zohan Quote: It's not for me.


Edited by Beth n Rod

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I tend to agree with those in opposition to it based on the fact that one cannot inspect the deck up close.

However, I get calls that are "outside" my coverage area that I turn down instantly namely because they are just too far to drive to "lose" a bid. I was thinking this wood be a good tool to save some of those normally off limit jobs. I could give the customer a very loose estimate based on what I'm seeing from above. Those that seem genuinely interested could get a more thorough estimate thus weeding out some possible lost travel time.

Other than that, I can see where it may come in handy for residential flatwork or even for gutter cleaning/ guard installation. I could get a very close linear footage for gutters as well as examine the pitch of the roof and landscape obstacles.

It may even come in handy while bidding specialty jobs. We did a lot of work last year for the railroad and there were some unanswered questions in respect to wash locations/water supplies etc. I could essentially look at the area without being there.

I'm just "thinking out loud" so to speak. Trying to figure out how best to apply emerging technology. Real time satellite feeds would be boss!

I could potentially look at graffiti damage etc.

If it was real time and one could zoom right into a deck up close and personal...then I would say it would be a go for sure. I doubt they will have real time remote viewing up close any time soon though for obvious reasons.

Ah well, still an interesting concept....


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Not for me either. I much rather see the property for myself and come up with a plan on how I would do the work. Small details can add hours to a job. Just my .02.

On site estimates can add a lot of time to a job too.

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If it was a realtime image I'd sign up for it for some of the services we offer. I agree with everyone though, decks would have to be done in person. We measure and photograph all of our clients properties though so we only have to go out once, unless they add on to their deck.

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If it was a realtime image I'd sign up for it for some of the services we offer. I agree with everyone though, decks would have to be done in person. We measure and photograph all of our clients properties though so we only have to go out once, unless they add on to their deck.

I like that idea of taking photos of every property that is cleaned. I've never thought about the benefit of that before, but I may start doing it now.

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You can also send them before and after shots of their deck and house to remind them to clean them. Just send a letter or card to them and say, "How does your _____ look now? Is it time for us to come back out yet?

Then offer them $25 off if they give the card to a neighbor and they use your services.

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