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Earthquake - Tsunami


23,700 people killed in 9 countries from this Earthquake - Tsunami in southern Asia and eastern Africa in a moment. WOW! Hundreds of Americans missing and bodies everywhere.

I'm sure you all have heard this news story, if you havent, here's a link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6754820

Guess it lets us all know not to take life for granted.


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this was bad....they(the authorites)new it was on its way but said they could not warn them in time...here is a link from last year about same thing that they reckon will happen to the USA... http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2088...

lets hope it never happens and pray for those who have died.

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I'm a little upset by the news of Petra Nemcova. She was second only to Daniela Pestova in my swimsuit daily calendar. I told my wife that she should be wary because Petra is available again. She laughed and said I didn't stand a chance.

Whew!! Boy...was that ever insensitive.

Truthfully, I do wish better fortune for the region, especially with the disease that's becoming a larger issue. They may not believe in the same God I do, but I'll pray for them nontheless.

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I heard a story of an american family in the region when the tsunami hit, A mother and her 2 kids were clinging for their lives to a pole as the water rushed by. The mother was losing grip and had to let go of one of her kids or they would all be swept away. I dont know how she did it, but she let go of one of her kids to save the other. ............. hours later she saw a man, carrying her child she had let go, the man said he was clignging to a pole as well when he saw the child floating by, he grabbed him and just held him tight until the water receeded. The mother and child were finally reunited. She was lucky, many were not as lucky. I also saw another story about an 8 year old boy who lost his entire family. With the death toll reaching over 100,000 people, I'm sure there will be alot more stories like these surfacing.

I just could not belive the video they we showing... Cars, Buses, and even Trains loaded with riders just being swept away like toys by the power of these waves and rushing water.

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Carlos...Petra is a model from I believe the Czech republic. Apparently there are some luxury resorts in the area (hard to tell from the pictures) and she was visiting one. I heard this from my wife. Since I rarely watch television, I really haven't heard much about this thing. I haven't seen any pictures of it other than what MSN has on their home page. I think I've heard the word "tsunami" more times in the past week on radio stations than I've heard the word "christmas" in the past month collectively from any person or object capable of producing sound. I've heard radio news reports, but apparently they don't do justice to it by what everyone else is saying.

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