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Douglas Hicks

Health care

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While it is yet unknown the details of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare Act) there is a mandate of all businesses who have employees regardless the number of employees.


According to the United States Department of Labor, employers must notify each employee, by Oct 1, of coverage options in the new Marketplace.  http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/newsroom/tr13-02.html  This link is to the Guidance on the Notice to Employees of Coverage Options.  It is a very long read.


The US Dept of Labor was kind enough to provide a template for a) employers who offer insurance coverage or b) employers who do not offer insurance coverage.  http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/healthreform/index.html  In this link under the heading "Notice to Employees of Coverage Options" there are two "Model" notices.  Click on the Model Notice that fits your business, fill out the required data, and disseminate to each employee.


Lest, we think we don't have to follow thru on this mandate, there is a $100 per worker per day penalty/fine for those employers who fail to meet the October 1, 2013 deadline of employee notification.


I am including this link that an organization in Oregon (Oregon Health Answers.org) put together to help Oregonians navigate thru the Obamacare process.  Again, the details of this Affordable Care Act is yet unknown but this link can help answer questions as the process moves along, or not.  http://oregonhealthanswers.org/


from my corporate secretary.   She started as a bookkeeper, and now has clients in Oregon, Washington and Montana. 

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I have a top ter health insurance policy . Received a notice last week they were discontinuing my current policy and a new type policy will be 300 more a month . We have to go see a specialist to navigate the process. Insurance companies seem to be screwing the people who had insurance also.

I am o'bummed out!

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