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The ole 'what would you charge' question..


Here is the deck I am doing tommorrow. I had to ask the customer three times if he was sure it was three year old Austalian Timber oil on there. Anyway, here is my question, come late summer, he wants me to do his cedar shake roof. I have no idea what to charge him. Just looking at the pics (vague I know) where should I begin? I have done some roofs but small and low grade, just eyeballed the estimate.

You can see the roof in this picture I took of the deck, factor in about double for the other side.


Here is the other part of the deck. Wait til you see the pics of the deck and house we are doing next week... HUMONGOUS


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12 answers to this question

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That's a biggun Ken!! 1500 sqft plus 150 Lft. rail?

To me the decks doesn't look too bad maby a little dark.Is the floor in bad shape?

Are you stripping/staining the underside of the deck?

Water, plastic,water and more water ;)

I have no clue how to price roofs,I'm not a roof man i'll leave that to the daredevils:lgbounces

NICE crib too! :cool:

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That's a biggun Ken!! 1500 sqft plus 150 Lft. rail?

To me the decks doesn't look too bad maby a little dark.Is the floor in bad shape?

Are you stripping/staining the underside of the deck?

Water, plastic,water and more water ;)

I have no clue how to price roofs,I'm not a roof man i'll leave that to the daredevils:lgbounces

NICE crib too! :cool:


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Yep, looks like Mahogany Flame to me.

If you have either HD-80 or F-18 mix full strength and let dwell until it melts off. Do the scratch test in difficult areas, like rails to see when you have gotten thru. Keep product moist with product, don't let it try.

Keep plants, and surrounding area wet with H2O.

Aussie Oil is a blend of Tung, Linseed and Alkyd oils so it should melt pretty easily.

Have a great day. This will go better than you think. Hang in there.


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I am not a roof guy either but do have a quick question since the topic is "hot" :). Would it not have been better to do the roof first then the deck. I am just thinking that if you do the deck first --- put the stain on and make it look nice ~~ and then do the roof, wouldn't the chems from the roof have an adverse effect on the deck?

Looking at the pic one could surmise that the shakes do not look that bad so maybe a light chem application on the roof would do the trick.

Can anyone fill in the blanks?

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Very true Carlos roof first was my thought when i saw the pic.I'd love to refinish that deck but I don't want no part of that roof :D

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I was thinking that cleaning the roof first might be the optimal way to go, but I'm not a deck restoration pro either. Therefore, I'm not completely sure of all the ramifications. In FL a deck generally means a pool deck. Not much wood down here like up north.

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Shane you were pretty close in your estimate of squares.. 1280 plus 120 LF. The killer is, the underside is getting sealed also. So total wood sf is over 2000.

Jim, wow. I was way off. My plans for the roof are for a percarb washing. The shingles are only three years old and have been sealed. Light mold. All the roof runoff is "guttered". As far as the order of cleaning.. The customer dictated that. There was a rush on the deck as the people are having some big party May 7th. They don't want the roof approached until September. Which is fine by me, I can research everything more fully and it gives me guranteed end of season work.

Oh yeah, to answer the other question, the deck is getting hit with Amberwood tone Aussie Oil.

Another update.. the guy just called me and wants us to wash the tennis court (it's baaaad), his driveway (which should have it's own street name), clean and seal 100 or so irregular sized flagstone pavers, do his teak deck furniture and clean all the concrete around his pool.. by FRIDAY. Ordinarily, no problem.. but this time of year, ain't happening.

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If the roof has been sealed already it should be easy for cleaning and oiling. Find out what product most important. $1.50 a foot ? If the roof was sealed already Bleach and soap will be a easier and more efficent cleaning tool.

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