Here in south florida, most homes use well water for plant irrigation. Ive noticed how often i see sidewalks and driveways that are a red color either from rust or sulfur in the well water. Additionally, these stains are prevelant on stucco and brick siding where the sprinklers hit.
As a newbie, im not sure how to tackle these areas. Will 12% chlorine work to remove these stains? Can anyone in florida help me with this?
Here in south florida, most homes use well water for plant irrigation. Ive noticed how often i see sidewalks and driveways that are a red color either from rust or sulfur in the well water. Additionally, these stains are prevelant on stucco and brick siding where the sprinklers hit.
As a newbie, im not sure how to tackle these areas. Will 12% chlorine work to remove these stains? Can anyone in florida help me with this?
Many Thanks - Such a great board!!!
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