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better pump??? AR / General

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I have had all three as well. The cat was ran without oil for about 3 hours one time, and then filled, and had ZERO problems with it for another two years. I was impressed. The disadvantage to CAT is that if it breaks, it will break you. The parts are really expensive. I had two AR pump that I bought from the same guy, at the same time. They both lasted about an 8 hour shift, and then theh bolts pulled out of the pump head and were stripped out. I think that the integrated unloader failed, and caused the failure on both of them. I was not impressed. I have tried Comet, they were pretty good pumps. They would last me about a year or so, then teh plungers would go south for what ever reason. The oil seals would also go bad, so that they were probably related problems. They are good in a pinch. The cool thing is that lot of the comet parts are inteeerchangeable with General parts, and they are less expensive. My Generals have been pretty good. I get about 2000 hours before I have to change the pcking in them, and they just keep going. I have had a couple of plungers go bad, and some valves, but they are pretty reliable pumps.

My recommendation;

If money is no object, or little, go with CAT, then the second choice,for me, is General. I am currently sticking with my Generals, due to replacement and repair cost.

Scott Stone

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Landa is a General with a Landa sticker on it to try to trap you into buying parts from them.

Are you sure? I saw a few Landa pumps and they don't look anything like a General

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USED to be Generals....just looked at their catalog on their website....those are the old Admiral Pumps, imported by Victor Midland, used by Tuff, bought by C Tech, who owns Landa. I stand corrected.

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