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Floyd fans


You know who you are.

David Gilmour,the guitarist for Pink Floyd is going to release his 3rd solo albumn in over 15 years. He is also going to be touring the U.S. for around 6 (already sold out shows) and Canada. What does this have to do with our business......... absolutely nothing. I just wanted to share the info with anyone who has ever been a Floyd fan. I cannot emphasize how great an artist this guy is. His playing is completely genious. None of us will ever be able to see the Floyd again in this life ( or will we), so this is the next best thing.

I have seen him perform and trust me, if you have never heard his material aside from the Floyd it is unreal. He is up there with the greats in my book

Satriani, Vai, Chet Atkins, Eric Johnson (from my hometown, Austin, Tx.), Steve How. I have admired these guys all my life and tried to snag a few of their licks along the way. The cd will be released on March 6th, and yes I am one of those blokes that will be there when the store opens.

Again, you ask, what does this have to do with our business? Slap on the ipod while you are doing a cleaning and just see if your day doesn't go a little better. I can hardly wait.:lgsideway

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I don't believe that I mentioned that I love the new Gilmour cd as much as I love my x-jet setup. They both simply ruuuuuuule!!!!!

This has turned out to be a great thread.

Thanks for all the feedback.

Curious if Beth & Rod are or have ever been Floyd or Gilmour fans. Just being nosey.

Where ya at Shane, you never told if you watched the "Live 8 " link I posted.

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Ever hear of a little town called O'Fallon, Mo.? I have some family there.

I lived in St. Peters MO for a time...that's one exit east of O'Fallon. Small towns, but both just a stones throw from St. Louis. In fact, they are both very near to the best outdoor venue in that area, now known as the UMB Pavillion.

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Piper, Saucerfull, Obscured, More, Relics, Atom, Umma, Meddle, DSOTM, Wish you were, etc.......Got em..................The Dvd of "Live at Pompeii" still blows me away..........Can you spell GENIUS BAND...................There are only about 10 all time genius bands.............Floyd is top five.......maybe top three...........maybe.......................................The DVD "Making of DSOTM" is another killer .....The part with the tape loops.........Doris Troy's vocal story..........Man, Floyd rocks.............Kids today have no clue............................Crap Wrap now rules........Talk about manipulation of the young mind....Duh Duh Duh Dumb....................My nephew is slowly coming around though........He thinks Deep Purples "smoke on the water" is cool.............It's a start but he's got a long way to go.

Stephen Andrews




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Ok all, I hope you don't think I am beating a dead Horse.

The Gilmour US tour has been completely sold out as well as in Canada.

There are only 2 shows left. Tonight and tomorrow night in LAX. Then they go back to the UK for the rest of the tour. But, as an avid fan of one of the greatest guitarist to ever hit this corner of the universe, I thought that I would share a parcel of info. Gilmour and company will be performing on the Jay Leno show tomorrow night April 20..... that's 420 to all you encoded types...420.... ironic to say the least. The show is recorded earlier in the day and there are still FREE tickets available to the Leno show ( just a tip for you west coast guys. You are allowed 4 tickets for you and 3 of your best 420's. Please please take advantage of what I have been ranting about all this time. This may be the last dance for this fella in the states, plus he ain't getting any younger. I have the new cd and have just about burned lazer holes in it by playing it so much. It grows on you like any Floyd cd would. Next thing you know , you can't get it out of your head.

So, with my rantings behind me, this should be at least a little treat for those of Us ( and Them) that were not fortunate enough to see the tour. Expect a mellowing of sorts from the material ( I'm sure due to the age of this cat), but , greatness in action at it's best nonetheless.

If anyone actually does read this and watches the Leno show ( april 20... that's 420) please comment on his performance. Most all of the reviews of the concert are nothing less than perfect.

Just wanted to share, because many have responded to this thread and show interest in this icon guitarist and singer.


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The wife is away and I'm bored, so I'll take a shot. Dark Side of the Moon was played on FM stations so much, and still is, the sound has become trite. What about Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, even Jack White of the White Stripes? Now there is a fairly new duo that is hard to beat. I'm over 50 and think a lot of the new music is better than most of the stuff we grew up with.

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Hi Rick, I agree with you on overplay of alot of material. But, I will never grow tired of Floyd or Gilmour. It just won't happen. I really like the White Stripes as well. Slow Hand, SRV ( from my homestate) are icons as well. I had a chance to walk in SRV's house on Riverside ave. in Austin several years ago after his death. His house was on the market for an ungodly amount. The only thing left in the house was an empty bottle of JD and a ripped pair of crushed velvet pants that the realtor insisted that they stay. Needless to say I did not buy the house, nor was I planning on it. I just had to see it for myself, but I was in the market for a house, just not that one.

I agree that there are alot of great new bands out there. IMO though, they are somewhat hard to find as the commercialism in this town leads you to believe that there is only crap out there. Dream Theater, A Perfect Cicle, AFI, Tool ( hard core, but pros at what they do), Disturbed, H.I.M. are a good detour from the normal "classics" as they are relatively new bands for the most part. At least in the past decade.

side bar: that pasty skinned girl from Charmed is married to Jack White.

Lucky dog. She's half naked all the time.

side bar #2: Dark side of the moon has the record for Billboards longest charting albulmn. Somewhere around 1100 weeks in the top 100 and still there. Hey thanks for the response and don't forget to watch Leno on Thurs. night.

See what happens on a rainy day, I wind up on TGS for most of the day.

Steeeeeeeeeve R. call me bro!

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Steeeeeeeeeve R. call me bro!

Careful. Hope you are not superstitious. Not ready for that yet.

Dream Theater, A Perfect Cicle, AFI, Tool ( hard core, but pros at what they do), Disturbed, H.I.M. are a good detour

You are way ahead of me. Just got Sirius radio in Dec. for my Stern addiction and think that "The Bird, Bird, bit..bit.. The Bird" is the the finest song ever written.

I read that Jack White dumped his tight drummer wife. Clarification. By tight I mean riffs. What, he got married to some half Hollywood porn star? Frick, there goes the music.

I scream everytime I hear any cut off "Moon". Enough already. Music, especially rock music, should be new, cutting, an expression of youth and energy. That's rock. Don't get old.

No chance I'll ever see the Tonight Show. Friggin' work puts me to bed at 10:00. This is lots of fun.

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The wife is away and I'm bored, so I'll take a shot. Dark Side of the Moon was played on FM stations so much, and still is, the sound has become trite. What about Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, even Jack White of the White Stripes? Now there is a fairly new duo that is hard to beat. I'm over 50 and think a lot of the new music is better than most of the stuff we grew up with.

Heathen!! , unbeleaver!!, Apostate!! (except for liking Stevie Ray Vaughn anyway.)

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For any one who listens to Glenn Beck, he does the Easter story with Pink Floyd background. Killer!

And dont say its Sacreligious until you hear it.

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Aw geez Jon, come on,

Unless you are eating acid or thinking about the good old days, the cover song to The Dark Side of The Moon is pathetic. Sing songey mystical lyrics. Bad use of vocal echo. No one ever thought of covering such self serving junk. Stairway to Heaven is not much better.

Rock is visceral. Rock is toe tappin, gyrating in the pants stuff. "The Bird" had more covers than your pansy, self glorification music ever could hope for. It ain't intellectual, its gut.

How's that for trollin' for replys! Come back.

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Just thought I would share this link for those interested.


Notice Rick Wright in the background on the Hammond.

Die hard fan, what can I say!

Its a good thing these guys dont lose the guitar playing ability along with their voices.

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Wow!,you don't like the new material Jon? I mean the guy is 61 after all.

The new release is the #1 seller on practically every chart from the U.K. to the U.S. and every show has been and is sold out for the duration of the tour. I don't know of too many artist' from today or yesterday ( in which he is both) that can sell over 100,000 units inside the first month of it's release. Personally, I don't think his vox has lost a bit of tonal quality. But, to each his own.

Just wanting to share with the fans that weren't able to see any of this tour.

..... I mean there's always Brittany(*** sells, even if you have no talent) if you prefer what they categorize as popular music nowadays. Gilmour is avante garde. REAL talent.

anyways.... hope you all liked the vid link.

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