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Guest rfitz

The New M-5 X-jet


Guest rfitz

Well I just got my new M-5 X-jet this week, and it is awesome, has anyone else had a chance to use it yet..? It now comes with 3/8 hose and that makes a big difference, man this thing just throws chemicals up against a house like shaving cream...;)

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Guest rfitz

Well the differences are, I know it goes further than the older model,

the new one comes with a bigger hose in diameter, so it draws alot better,

alot more, now you can wash faster, especially with surfaces like front porches, gutters, etc.. things that require a shorter fan like spray, just a turn of the nozzle and your in biz, as opposed to stopping and screwing a nozzle on, for some reason the new X-jet just somes faster all the way around,

it is a good buy, and you will be glad once you try it, I like mine alot more than the orig. I bought mine from Steve Rowlett, and I liked the way he had his set up so I asked him to make mine just like his.....

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i have done my own teating on the orig x-jet and have come up with this.

It work's like a old style carberator off your lawn mower.

If the inlet ,1/4 inc draw line, is the main jet. Then that 1/4 inc can only let in so much chem.

Go to a 3/8ths draw line and you can let in much more.

less flow restriction.

Go bigger and thier is not enuff flow from the GPM to get a good venturi effect to get a good draw.

FITZ-if you get a min, please switch your old x-jet to the 3/8ths hose barb and line and retest. I would'nt mind getting another x-jet but im not going to spend that kind of money just to get rid of the removeable close range tip.

Anyone want to sell their old one?

i'll pay $40 each for them.

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I believe William Page, screen name offdutyfiremanpressurewas, sells them too. As I recall from a post on another BBS, his prices must have been pretty decent because he upset a few folks....


Beth :groovy3:

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Guest rfitz

Hey Ron,

I will do that to the old one, I like having the 2 though, because my older one

is kind of getting alot of corrosin due to running alot of Oxalic acid through it,

by the way, my new soda keg sprayer is awesome, I would never use a sprayer with batteries, pumps, motors, etc.. I can run this puppy for over 1 hour continuos spraying on 1, .35 sec charge from a air compressor, Im buying another one this week, so I will have one for stain, and 1 for cleaners and briteners etc.. well worth a couple hundred bucks, I will save that in labor in 1 week, now I have to decide to keep a CO2 on board my van, or a mini pancake style air compressor, also you will save a ton on chemicals as well,

you wont have near the waste... or the burns I used to get on my back from a solo back pack sprayer, no more of that with this nice little gem...

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Hey Rob, just curious where you heard/learned about that solo backpack for chem application? Have thought about that for sealers, but back strain is always a concern to me, that and my Camelbak would be an issue...

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Guest rfitz

Beth, Charlie in Iowa gave me that idea last year, and they do work great for applying stain, you only put 1-2 gallons of stain in them at a time, so they arent very heavy, but they spray like 10-15 feet with stain, so you can stand on the ground and spray a second story deck rail & spnidles fairly quick,

maybe 5 minutes for 20 feet of rail, I usually have cardboard on other side to catch over spray, I use the big ones that hold refrigerators, so the cardboard, is usually 3-4 feet higher than the rail, because you are spraying up, I never mask off the house, I just use cardboard, with the strong seat clamps, it is better than drop cloths, cause its free, and when they get soaked you just pitch em, I go to my appliance stores on the days they get their deliveries, and they give me as many as I need...

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Guest rfitz

You could probably build it cheaper than $200.00, but how much is your

time worth ? say it takes you 10 hours to build it, (right) after fixing your leaks

etc..buying your hose, wand, fittings, tubing, and tank..etc.. you would probably be at $100.00 so you are paying a guy who knows what he is doing basically $100.00 for his time, in that same 10 hours it would take to build it, I can bill out $1,000, 10 times what I could have saved, thats like spending a whole weekend fixing a leaky toilet, when you could have called in a qualified plummer to do it in 1-2 hours, I am too busy making money to fool around trying to build a sprayer to save a lousy 100 bucks...

Just my opinion

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It was just a suggestion. Keep in mind, not all of us are billing $100.00, and not all of us are either full time or busy enough that we can't find 10 hours to put something like this together. I'm not looking to do the soda keg thing at this time, I just have a habit of looking at things and trying to figure how I could do that myself. Also, although I am busy, I don't work 18 hours a day....Don't assume that because someone is going to build something they're going to do it during their normal working hours. Some of us like reading the boards, watching TV, etc, and others like to tinker.

Then there's the whole "slow season" for those in the north.....

I agree, if you're eating into hours of billable time, you're better off spending the money.

BTW, the link I posted advertises that the kegs are checked for leaks. Unless there's a problem with the keg, I'm willing to bet I could put something like that together in a matter of a couple hours. At any rate, it isn't something I'm looking to do for myself, just posting information in case someone else might be. Options are always good.

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Guest rfitz

Mike for alot of people, it is the right thing to do, just for me at this time

it isnt, Im just too busy, but you are right, when things slow down, it would be a nice project to tinker with..

Take Care

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I can build a sprayer out of a soda can in 15 minutes, or less. Material cost is about $7.00. That is $32.00 parts and 4 cans an hour, = $672.00 an hour. But for you, $175.00 each because I like you. I'll even let you decide what hose length you want.

Douglas Hicks

General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc

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Thanks for the links. I do have the time to tinker, as I sit at the desk, on the computer, watching TV! I have already gotten two 5 gal older Pepsi soda cans, pressure tested with a ball valve. Any tips on the best way to convert them? I have an idea of necessary parts and placement but before I make the first move any tips would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick

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Guest rfitz

If you can build them so fast and so cheap, you are in the wrong business,

why dont you have a store on the web selling them, ? you could make some decent money, Im not sure where you came up with that cost ..

I talked with Pepsi, they told me $35.00 a piece, plus with a good quality

sprayer wand and parts it's closer to $100, unless you just throw a cheap wand on them.. maybe the ones you are building dont look or operate the way mine does..? Like I said, in the time to fool with that, I can sell 10 deck jobs at $1,000 a piece, I guess you have to know what your strong points are..?

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1/2 inch ball gas valve $1.70

1/4 x 1/4 barb .24

2 of 1/8 x 1/4 bushing .14 = .28

1/2 x 1/4 bushing .41

2 hose clamp .33 = .66

used nozzle free

hose left over from shur-flo pump free

Schrader valve $1.26

used Pepsi can, your quote $35.00

tube of JB Weld $5.00

parts cost $44.55 ($9.55 if you get the Pepsi can from the Coke guy, or a Coke can from the Pepsi guy)

Special tools purchased

drill bit, cobalt w 135 point $8.93

pipe tap Ridgid $8.88

Tool cost $17.81

Labor still 15 minutes.

Only problem, the rubber base comes off after a few months of use. Then the can goes into the scrap metal trailer. Anyone found a good cement to glue rubber to stainless?

Still a lot less than $200.00. I , or one of my guys make up about 4-6 at a time.

Extra parts to keep in tool box

lid, with pop-off valve




hose clamps

Maintence tools

9/16 wrench

water pump pliers

dental pick

1/4 inch nut driver

Douglas Hicks

General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc

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would that we were all so busy that we don't have 15 minutes to do anything else other than sell deck jobs. Like I said, not everyone is so blessed to be so busy, and lots of folks live in an area with downtime during the winter.

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Guest rfitz

I guess that is good and bad, but right now, I am working 12-15 hours a day 7 days a week, I cant keep up with the calls coming in and the work, and I have 4 stainers/painters working for me at this time..

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