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How would you handle it?

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Scenario: Commercial client hired me for multiple cleanings per year (in this case twice) and contingent on a contract (which was signed) I applied a discount, per cleaning, accordingly.

I got a call 2 weeks prior to starting our 'second pass' and was told to hold off on pressure cleaning due to other projects (tree trimming, etc.), which have not yet been completed. 3 months passed before I was given the go ahead to resume and with my schedule they will have to wait another 3 weeks.

The problem is that the contract calls for discounted rates based on pressure cleaning twice per year. It's not a series of services being clearanced. When I will have cleaned the property for the second time it will be 2 months to go before a potential renewal of our contract.

I'm understanding, ofcourse, but can't help feeling ripped off.

Have anyone else run into such a scenario? How did you handle it? How do you prevent such a thing from happening?

Maybe I should specify a time frame in which a discounted service has to be used, kind of like a Gift Certificate?

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Since there was no intentional malice on the part of the customer I would not feel slighted. I'm sure you are still profitable performing the job at a discount (because I know you know how to run a business). Just pick up from where you left off and recapture your money over the long haul. You're willingness to work with the customer will not be forgotten and I'm sure you will get them to resign.

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Ken you're correct.

However I'd have to say that if the tables were turned I'm sure this client would not have waited and additional 4 months for services due.

I realize that things aren't always simple black and white, however this situation bothers me much.

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ahh be flexable... job like such scheduled so far out you can probably feel lucky that they sign a contract at all is my first impression. ...:) j/k, really it irks me too when customers attempt this putting off thing. If ya give them an inch they take a mile...In the end, when I get too much of it, I move on or raise their rate with no mercy.

Use of contract is to acheive a fixed schedule and rate mostly for your bennefit in getting your digs in no matter what. Whatever schedule discussed is what ya hold them to by the contract itself. It needs to come off as such on the paperwork with stated reasoning why there is need for a contract in first place. Such idea should be incorporated into your contract/presentations early on. It needs to clearly show the consession or discount based on frequency of work.(which you aint got much of mind you on this one)

Think about it most contracts are not needed if there is to be no recurring service so that is really what they are for. Otherwise all terms, legalities, payment arrangements, and work to be done for someone can be on a quote for service and standard terms sheet.

... Here's an idea..Just show up and start your job without any confirmations or such. That works too. Sometimes a new person will be on attendance and they will look at ya like what are you doing and you be like ummm I just drove a hundred miles you better know what I am doing here..lol

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The problem I understand is that under the terms of the contract you anticipated the cleaning needs and what it would take to get them a quality job and if done frequently on time you would be able to give a price break knowing that with the cleaning happening at a certain interval it is easier to clean and when the interval between cleanings gets lengthened, the cleaning takes longer due to the additional accumulation.

Is this what you are talking about?

In the future, I would include a default clause that specifically nullifies the pricing given if the criterion is not met and reverting the price to a higher one to help defray the costs of additional time, supplies and fuel expended not to mention administrative costs for having to alter your schedules on their behalf. This takes time and I am sure this is where you are feeling some of the burden as you have done your part and now due to circumstances beyond your control you are being asked to take a hit albeit non-intentional but never the less you are being put off for someone else's delays. This may also delay the next contract being put into place by 4 months as well which effects your revenue stream and makes it hard to make accurate projections that you need in order to plan ahead.

We all have bills to pay and when something like this happens it throws things off in more ways than just a schedule for work. It affects ones ability to make payments and bills according to contracts in place and we all know that the collectors don't give us the luxury of being able to be put them off for 4 months without it appearing on a credit report.


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That's exactly what I'm talking about and that's exactly what my problem is.

I'll have to come up with something to include for the future. What a pain in the butt.

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Balazs, in your years of being in business how many times has this exact scenario happened to you?

Question #2: In three months are you still going to be as upset about this as you are now? Is it going to be negatively effecting your business operations at that time.

I am assuming this is a job of larger than average proportion (taking a week or more?) because I cannot see how anything negative could occur from switching a one day job from one day to another other than it would be bothersome.

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A thought here...

It's not upsetting more than it is principal. The contract is specifying one thing and now it is being amended without concern to the contractor. This kind of inconsiderate mentality needs to stop. We are not at the beckon call of people. In order to have a successful business, we need to have measures in place to make it run better. A contract helps in setting up the guidelines and keeping things on track for both parties. Breach of contract, material or immaterial can be a headache to sort out if you have many of them in place and have planned your routing to make your time on the roads as effective and efficient as possible based upon them.

The point being, run the company not the company running you. This is what is bothering Mr. Balazs. A smart concern.

He may have had been "planning" on certain things resulting from the fulfillment of this contract 'on time' now it is throwing a wrench in this and that can take time to sort out with a number of people instead of a relative few. This impacts his ability to make headway and productivity is held back. Yeah, he can chase the money to make up for it but the plain fact is that now he is 'behind'.


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......With much respect.......

How come you didn't just tell the guy that you have branch trimmers?

You could have told him that you would gladly trim the bushes or branches in the area that might have been in the way of your "scheduled contract cleaning".

Also, that it would not upset the specified date on the contract. It changes the whole mindset when you have an answer to all or most every potentiel roadblock.

Even though he had no intention of honoring the contract and you may or may not be willing to trim branches that interfere with the washing process, at least you would have backed him into the corner that he backed you into, just to get out of the deal.

....... I am sure it is not worth $$$ legalities to get them to honor the contract on 2 cleanings per year. But you do have dignity and pride when it comes to your business' image and you have a right to play ball just like they do, but, with discression and honesty.

.......... Sorry for thinking Utopian, but, you don't have to be lied to.

... some of the responses on this post are ( legal or other) amazing advice.

Learn something new everyday, and you guys are brilliant. And all the things that you guys say should happen...... well, they should.

Some people just don't have the cahounas to be straight forward and like to make excuses for delays. They will do and say anything to maintain a good image, esp. if they have the reins in their hands.

... but my .02 is that I usually carry trimming equipment just in case I need it. That way you could at least say that you have a solution for the last line of B.S. you just tried to feed me!!! A.F.A.B.( anything for a buck) right? even if it's a P.I.T.A.( pain in the a$$) But your company is not a Butler for that firm.

No reason for you and your firm to be disrespected and breeched, and lied to, even if they were polite about the whole issue. Big job or small job. It's all math and manners.......

In most cases, my "straight with you, straight with me" simple minded utopian approach works with commercial accts. and alot of the contractors I work with. Most people sense honesty or dishonesty.

Doesn't change the "cause and effect" of your bottom line projections.

But there is nothing stopping you from finding a better account, because, there is a better account out there. If you have done everything you can with this account to your satisfaction and still butt heads, then move on to the next, better, account.

......This may get deleted or shot down, but you should throw some clippers in the old tool box for just such an occassion. At least you would have that "one upped" feeling that you don't have now. It's just a good feeling to me going through the day knowing I didn't get stepped on and just maybe I did things the right way.

..... again with much respect......

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My 2 cents worth.

Although I see what the problem is and I dont think it was fair to you I still think you have to get over it and move on. Yea, it might be a principle issue but it has become an emotional issue as well and this will have far reaching effects.

I do believe its worth a letter or phone call stating the problem with the scheduling and I think the guy would appreciate the call and will probably think twice before pulling that again. If you handle this right you can potentially come out much farther ahead in the long run with this guy.

Its all part of doing buisness just like having to repair some critical equipment at your buisness when you need it most. It is what it is and nothing can change it.

Like I said. My 2 cents worth.

Good nite.

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Balazs, in your years of being in business how many times has this exact scenario happened to you?

Question #2: In three months are you still going to be as upset about this as you are now? Is it going to be negatively effecting your business operations at that time.

I am assuming this is a job of larger than average proportion (taking a week or more?) because I cannot see how anything negative could occur from switching a one day job from one day to another other than it would be bothersome.

Ken this is the first time something like this has happened. And I would like to take some sort of a measure, even if limited by it's means, to make sure that this is the last time.

As Rod has mentioned this begins as a principle issue which, due to it's domino effect, becomes somewhat of a problem on a larger scale. In the end it affects scheduling, work loads, overhead cost, defered income etc.

3 months down the road it won't be affecting me....but once again that's not what we're talking about. I don't offer the level of service I do to have to go chasing to make up for lost income in the long run. There are reasons why I issue discounts and the criteria which effects those discounts don't apply anylonger due to a time delay.

If I were to pull something like this rest assured that no longer would I be contracted by that particular client.

On the flip side then why is this type of behavior acceptable towards myself and why should I just sweep it under the rug?

This particular project is a 2.5 - 3.5 day project. If it were a residential client I wouldn't think twice of even mentioning it.

I will schedule them as soon as I can make it fit. I will honour my contract price however est assured that my contracts will be rephrased, ammended and altered in hopes of preventing such occurences in the future.

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A thought here...

It's not upsetting more than it is principal. The contract is specifying one thing and now it is being amended without concern to the contractor. This kind of inconsiderate mentality needs to stop. We are not at the beckon call of people. In order to have a successful business, we need to have measures in place to make it run better. A contract helps in setting up the guidelines and keeping things on track for both parties. Breach of contract, material or immaterial can be a headache to sort out if you have many of them in place and have planned your routing to make your time on the roads as effective and efficient as possible based upon them.

The point being, run the company not the company running you. This is what is bothering Mr. Balazs. A smart concern.

He may have had been "planning" on certain things resulting from the fulfillment of this contract 'on time' now it is throwing a wrench in this and that can take time to sort out with a number of people instead of a relative few. This impacts his ability to make headway and productivity is held back. Yeah, he can chase the money to make up for it but the plain fact is that now he is 'behind'.



Thanks for input. It feels good to be understood and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with whom something like this leaves a bad taste in their mouth.

I'm not loosing sleep over this nor will I develop a complex, and most certainly I will not start seeing a shrink.

The reason I made mention of this was to see how others would feel about such scenario and how they would handle it.

The point is that I'm looking to try and prevent it from happening again.

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You could have told him that you would gladly trim the bushes or branches in the area that might have been in the way of your "scheduled contract cleaning".


Maybe I should quit pressure cleaning and become a landscaper. Possibly then I would not be put on hold?

Understand that this account is a community of 23 buildings where we clean all sidewalks. We're not talking about a homeowner with 2 palm trees in his front yard, nor about the local gas station manager with the same. Their reason for holding off (to the best of my knowledge)was legitimate but incredibly inconsiderate and somewhat business hindering.

I'm not planning on jumping down anyone's throat b/c this was the first time something like this happened. However I intend to implement some sort of measure that discourages behaviour of this kind. I'm thinking about the future, not crying about the past 3 months.

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what I have considered with a multiple contract job if it takes a discount to get it is to give the discount on the(in your case) second cleaning. i.e. if the job was worth $5k each trip and you were discounting 10%. I considered going with the $5k on first and taking the discount for both off of the second cleaning. which you end up with same money, only more if they decide not to have you back.

ron m. does this make sense to you. i know you have many contracts and do some new construction cleaning and in my case this is what I was considering doing. the only time i have discounted is if owner is providing a boom lift. and only for what it would cost me to rent.

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Jim, that was one of the solutions that I had in mind when starting this thread. When it comes time to renew the contract that's exactly what will happen....however still, the time frame in which multiple cleanings occur has got to be documented otherwise I'm still in the same boat.

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