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What Constitutes an "EXPERT"

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We've discussed what makes a professional, but what makes one an EXPERT in a particular field? And WHO makes the determination that one is an EXPERT - yourself, a supplier, an association, a school?


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Expert = I know more than you and you don't ...:D :rolleyes: :p

I don't consider myself an expert cause there are always new things to learn in our biz!

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The term expert is subjective from the view point of the person calling someone else an expert. If you call yourself an expert I think you are just waiting for someone to come by and prove your not.

I prefer the word "proficient". Websters defines it as: well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge.

We all have new things to learn. An expert to me says that you are the absolute best at what you do. The way I feel is no matter how good you are there is always someone better!

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Expert is a term made up of two parts: "X", a scientific denotion for unknown; and "spurt", a drip under pressure.

Therefore: An expert is an unknown drip under pressure.:lgsideway

(Perhaps particularly apt for our chosen field of endeavor)

To be more serious, quantifiable expertise is a difficult thing to believe in. Like religion, it requires faith, but believers know it when they see it.

I imagine that the same debate will rage as does between the riligious and the irreligious.

I do believe there are experts, but that they rarely claim the title for themselves. It is an honorific granted by acclaim within a community.

I also believe that an expert can lose that status by losing touch with the field, and new developments within it, and in the outside world beyond that affect that field. Not staying current will make you irrelevent, and sticking your head in the sand, even if you are in good company there, won't substitute for keeping track of current events.

Experts and the people they advise would do well to remember that there has never been a group so well versed in the judicial, effective application of violence and warfare as the Samurai. Yet they ceased to exist in a period that didn't represent a thousandth of the time they had held sway. Generations of tradition and expertise made absolutely moot in a few years by the arrival in their culture of a new methodology and new equipment.

If that example is too removed from your personal experience, just answer this question: Have you spoken with any good Betamax repairmen lately? Or farriers? Keypunch operators? Shorthand stenographers? Typists?

Experts are sources to be consulted by people capable of critical thinking. Blindly following anyone is dangerous for both of you.

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If you are continually asked for advice in a specific field, you can be considered an "EXPERT" (as long as you also provide good answers)...or at least be considered a "RESOURCE WITH GREAT KNOWLEDGE".

Technically (according to the dictionary) - Expert is someone - Very skillful, having much training and knowledge in a specific field.

If you watch enough Court TV, most lawyers will qualify an EXPERT witness. They are asked about education background (degree or certification is almost always necessary), years of experience, and excelling (promotions/advancements) in a specific field. Making errors/mistakes can impact EXpERT status.

There is no reason why you can't call yourself an expert as long as you can back up your claim. Remember, one "ahh sh.." wipes out a hundred "atta boys"!

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  CarolinaProWash said:
We've discussed what makes a professional, but what makes one an EXPERT in a particular field? And WHO makes the determination that one is an EXPERT - yourself, a supplier, an association, a school?


ME!!!! Cause my 6 yr old says I am.

Man Paul B. I think is really a college Professor who does Powerwashing on the side..I'd like to pick his brain on some other issues but not here...Maybe in person if I ever get to meet him at a roundtable...Hey Paul why don't you truck it up to Tom Vogel's roundtable. When I read Pauls post I always think about that Phenomonal book "Tuesdays with Maury" in this book Maury had some unbelievable wisdom which all should read..as short and true book and one amazing story. I read it cover to cover on a plane trip to Dallas a few years ago. Does paul have this kind of wisdom...... hmmmmm

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Experts can be reliably found in their preferred habitat of conferences in luxurious settings. They are extremely territorial. While vehemently protecting their own narrow areas of expertise, they are never too shy to sing about life, the universe, and everything. Experts never have conflicts of interest, and if asked about these, their feathers become ruffled.

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You guys are too much some times. Funny stuff.

This is a tough one isn't it? The dictionary says one thing and like Paul says...1 oops!!! But the term 'Expert' is also subjective in the terms of who thinks is one.

I am of Seymores mindset and don't get complacent thinking I am an expert because than I feel I would close my mind to new things and ideas because of the egotistical state of ignorance once assumed in it. This is just my way of looking at things though.

Our customers have called me an expert but in the course of the meeting the term comes out in phrases such as "I don't know, your the expert" or "I would like your expert opinion" or " I couldn't do it so I called an expert". While in most cases I can take this as either flattery or the person conceding themselves to a hierarchy of a customer-expert relationship.

I will say I am very knowledgeable and experienced but by no means do I tout myself as an expert. But then there is the term 'expertise' to consider. I have it and it has been demonstrated, documented and photographed as the results our company provides and obtains further business as a result.

But there is always room for improvement despite the achievements to date.

IMHO; being an expert is subjective and to me is an honor bestowed upon by others and not necessarily by oneself, otherwise people tend to think of you as a braggart. Someone said it's not bragging if you can do it but thats another debate all it's own, isn't it? :)


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  James said:
Experts can be reliably found in their preferred habitat of conferences in luxurious settings. They are extremely territorial. While vehemently protecting their own narrow areas of expertise, they are never too shy to sing about life, the universe, and everything. Experts never have conflicts of interest, and if asked about these, their feathers become ruffled.

LMAO...... Jim, that is both the funniest and most accurate statement I think I have ever seen posted on these BBS. Does anyones name come to your mind? LOL

Long live the Pressures Washers of North America...

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  Mathew Johnson said:
LMAO...... Jim, that is both the funniest and most accurate statement I think I have ever seen posted on these BBS. Does anyones name come to your mind? LOL

Long live the Pressures Washers of North America...


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