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Beth n Rod

There is Superstitiousness....

Are you superstitious?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you superstitious?

    • Yes I am!
    • No, absolutely not!
    • Sometimes I am!
    • I'm not sure.


I woke up this morning and looked out the window and saw a red sky and thought of the old omen to sailers; Red sky at night, sailor take delight, Red sky at morning, sailor take warning.

With Halloween just around the corner, I thought it would be an interesting thread to talk about the superstitions many of us know or even have a fear of.

These are the most common I know of:

Breaking a mirror brings 7 years bad luck.

Walking under a ladder is bad luck.

Black cat crossing your path is bad luck.

What superstitions do you have or know about?


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My mom, wife and daughter were all born on the 13th, my daughter on Friday the 13th.

I am becoming a believer in karma. For years, we have kidded my brother-in-law about his hitting a deer about 20 years ago. In fact, my wife has taken to sending him "deer stuff"., including an animated deer head. So what happens? I hit a deer the other day with my wife's car! $4000 in damage. Ouch.

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Before I contracted and I was using a ladder I would never ever walk underneath it..Now since time is money I walk underneath them if its the shortest way to get to point B from point A.

Back in my Hockey days I always had to tie my skates TWICE before the game started. I always did this but never thought much about it except to think I would have a bad game if I didn't do this. A few years after there was a baseball player a few of us older timers here can remember well who always had to eat Chicken before a game....any guesses who this was and he was pretty good. Won a whole bunch of batting titles in the eighties.

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I believe when you quote prices over the phone that leads to lost revenue. Does that count?

If you consider subtraction counting. No superstition there Ken, just a fact of business. Phone quotes are for retail items not services in my book.

Back to the superstitiousness... I have heard of people carrying lucky objects and such other items to ward off evil spirits too.


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I always carry 4 gold dollars and 2 TEXAS quaters. ALWAYS!!!

I don't do Mondays (except for chem runs)

I don't do the 13th, peroid, friday or not.

I don't walk under ladders.

I "safety" X my windshield when I see black cats.

I safety X my girls car everyday before she leaves the house.

I safety X airline flights that I am on.

I always throw a dash of salt over my shoulder.

Now that you know me ...... everybody ruuuuuun!

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I am as bad it is comes some days. Friday the 13ths freek me out. I have routines for everything I do. ie, right sock, left sock, right shoe, left shoe. 4 leaf clovers rock, black cats are BAD. Don't do under ladders, Get out of bed the same side I get into. Don't step on cracks in the ground and on and on.

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I am as bad it is comes some days. Friday the 13ths freek me out. I have routines for everything I do. ie, right sock, left sock, right shoe, left shoe. 4 leaf clovers rock, black cats are BAD. Don't do under ladders, Get out of bed the same side I get into. Don't step on cracks in the ground and on and on.

Sounds like OCB(Obssesive Complusive disorder) or is it just overly


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safety "x" is the same as catholic priest waving a hand motion for a blessing,

except it is not Catholic. It keeps the bad joo joo away. Ask the cajuns.

There is a proper term for it but it is hard for this Tx boy to pronounce.

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I deliberatly walk under ladders, Owned a black cat once, love to do things on friday the 13th.

And yes Im serious. I do walk under ladders on purpose just to prove the superstions false.

My wife refuses to say bless you when someone sneezes because it came from the superstition that your soul left you when you sneezed. I cant convince her that its just simple politeness nowadays.

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