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Beth n Rod

New Years Resolutions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not every year but have in the past


This is the time of year that lots of folks reflect back upon the year that's ending and make a resolution or two. Most of them are fairly typical. Go to the gym more. Drop 20 lbs. Quit smoking. Quit eating ice cream by the gallon. Stop writing up estimates on 7/11 paper napkins. Get in the habit of returning phone calls.

I used to make a list when I was a teenager and had time to do such things, but these days finding one solid resolution to aim for is good enough for me. I thought it might be fun to take a poll... you know, do you make resolutions YES, or NO. I thought it might also be fun to list what they are, provided they're not too personal.

So if you're home, online and reading this, take a moment and reflect. Then, join the fun. Happy New Year!

Beth :groovy3::bandplay: :cheers: :hat:

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Takes more will power then I have to keep one so I stopped making them years ago.

If I can stay healthy and do well then I have accomplished something in mid-life!


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I don't make resolutions, per se. At the beginning of every year, I do set personal and business goals that I'd like to accomplish during the upcoming year. Some of them are reached, and some are not, for various reasons.

For example, this year I decided to revamp all my computer software, and move into the 21st century.

Good bye Windows 98 and Office 97! Even though my current system and software have been rock solid, I knew upgrade time was overdue.

It's funny. I spent over 17 years with a large computer info company, supporting a large automaker. Stability was more important than staying current. When you have a network of 300 users running smooth, you don't want to rock the boat. Upgrading anything was a major event. It took weeks to plan and implement any changes. Politics. When I left in April 2002, they were still running Windows 95 & NT4.

I loved the computer biz......stayed on top of technology personally as much as I could. I got bored with working on such old technology. The money pool shrank, spending was cut.

I decided to leave that industry and pursue power washing. I must have been nuts!

So why am I saying all this?

The one trait that still sticks with me today is the need for a stabile system, above all.

It may as well be a New Years resolution. It's as painful to me as anything to format my hard drives and load all new software to do the exact same tasks as I was doing before. Sure the faster, better. stronger concept sounds promising.

Plus, how else am I going to stay current if I don't just DO IT.

Being on the business side now, I better understand the importance of not interrupting production. No blips on the radar.

Of couse the need for developing and implementing processes of old bubbled up. I temporarily loaded the new software on another machine to verify everything would peacefully co-exist. It did. I have all my data and stuff backed up on CD's.

Now I have to live up to my resolution from 2002!


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I just went and DID IT. Bought a Sony VAIO 2.86 ghz with Pent 4 120gb hard drive. This thing is awesome. Circuit City gave me a sweet deal with over 400.00 in rebates. I upgraded to a 17" LCD Flat screen monitor. It rocks. Two bays, one cd-rw and the other is a DVD-rw Had t do it because my "dinosour" was loosing it's drive and was just too damn slow.

I went to www.bandwidth.com and did a speed check, I was shocked on how well it rated.

Happy New Year one and all,


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I'm keeping all my hardware, it's still good stuff, although only a 866mhz P3. I build all my own systems, got three on the network in my house.

New OS and applications. Oh and I ran the speed test from the site you posted and got 1,437 Kbps. I think that is pretty fast.

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Tony are you on DSL or cable?

I ran the test and got 653.93 and I am on DSL, thought DSL was suppose to be faster then that.

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i have cable modem,just ran the test and came back with a download speed of 2,760.92 kbps

my computer is 4 gig processor,1024 ram and 240 gig hard drive

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Tim, that system should sing, dance, scream, and holler. WOW, that is a big system.

That site is pretty cool huh?

I am very happy with this new puter compared to the archaic one I had.


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Mike it is the Pentium 4 proccessor,i purchased this machine about 4 months ago when i body slammed my other computer on the floor.

It is a VPR Matrix Best Buy $1999.00

i am also using the windows xp home software.

finally i can use multiple programs at the same time with relative efficiency and not have the computer hang up.

i have been using a lot of photo editing,publishing ,accounting,and management software lately.

all at the same time.

Reed good luck with your new computer i am sure it will make your job easier.

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Big Improvement, smoked the T1 also. Should have done this last year, but as always, I just hate to spend that much money if something functioning and doesn't need replacement as yet. Now I needed the replacement and did it. The great part is I don't feel guilty.


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  oneness said:
41.65 kbps....With a 56k dial up. No cable, DLS, ISDN, or any other high speed options where I live. I've thought about going with Direct TV's internet setup.....But it isn't cheap.

mike...checkout www.onspeed.com read all the reviews from the computer mags....for a few $$ its worth a try.....

cheers paul.

oh and by the way my resolution is the same as last year...not start to smoke again

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