In all honesty, you may be dealing with one, or two idiots.
I'm fairly certain I'd pass on the job, unless ma and pa take some miracle common sense drug.
"Experts", my foot. The only experts are those that do this this work competently for a living. People make mistakes, they don't know and believe in some silly marketing scheme. There is an old quote, "There's a sucker born every minute" attributed to P. T. Barnum. Probably not a quote from him, but a critic. After all, he made a small fortune from little of value and would never disparage his audience, and others called him out on it.
Look, if a customer does not want to service ipe' every year, strip it and be done with it. A cleaning would be good once a year for appearance. Otherwise, no stain. Ipe' is near bulletproof. It does not need stain protection.
Good luck. There are better potential customers out there.