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What Would You Charge For THIS Monster??


Looked at this one today. HO said he had it cleaned and stained 4 yrs. ago with Superdeck Semi-Trans. Said he left a tint code with the contractor and them left for vacation... Apparently the guy chose something darker (darkish red) and the HO hates it! He now wants it stripped (including about 1,600 sq ft of decks w/ spindles not visible in picture) and then re-stained with a lighter color.

I imagine its going to vary quite a but anyone care to chime in what they would charge for this one? Full exterior resto it looks like inc. shingles, everything wood would require stripping/staining. Im a bit, well, not a bit, ALOT daunted by this one but Im sadistically curious about taking this one on.



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Thats a sweet house but man the masking on the windows will be a pain in the rump.


I know, isnt it georgous! As far as the window masking is concerned, Ive previous success just having a helper work behind me with mineral spirits on the windows. Once Ive moved to the next side of the house, he hits the windows with MS and wipes them down. I mean, pretty much everything about this house is wood, and it all would need spraying. So, I guess Im not THAT worried about masking.... Do you and Rod have a b-park $ on this one? Its located in an affluent area if that helps...

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I have never done a comperable job but the X factor is what did the last guy charge? if you can find out it would help . I take it you have experience with this type of wood and it is just a matter of applying your pricing formula for the massive job. My guestimate would be $15,000 -$18,000. I would rent a ginie lift for washing the house so I could get the roof at a downward angel to prevent damage to the shingles. I would keep it for the staining too. What is your water source? well, city water, your water?thats a lot of a water what about drainage?....get the color tested and approved(written) on part of the house or deck before you procede. This all takes time and costs $. masking the windows and comming back to hand stain the muttons would be my attack using your helper in this job.

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See, I would rather spend the time masking off all the windows, then have minimal cleanup when you peel the masking off. I don't want to miss any spots, or have them dry, or have to scrape windows, or get a call back that something was missed, or make a bad impression when the owner is standing there seeing the windows not masked. I would rather spend the time masking.


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With that much glass = lots of masking - got a figuring question for you :)

Considering the lots of additional time & materials needed to do the mask prep & clean up, would you include all of the square footage of the property (including glass) in your calculations? In other words, Diamond Jim is saying $4 sq for the PITA factor. Personally I'd be saying about the same for the WOOD alone, but even at that, the additional time & materials on all of that glass definitely deserves a charge of its own, don't you think?

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With that much glass = lots of masking - got a figuring question for you :)

Considering the lots of additional time & materials needed to do the mask prep & clean up, would you include all of the square footage of the property (including glass) in your calculations? In other words, Diamond Jim is saying $4 sq for the PITA factor. Personally I'd be saying about the same for the WOOD alone, but even at that, the additional time & materials on all of that glass definitely deserves a charge of its own, don't you think?

Well, personally I would calculate the footage for the windows, or calculate the entire wall , yes, so you can allow for masking. If you are experienced, masking can go pretty quick. If not, it can be a nasty chore. Pre-taped plastic by Easymask and blue painters tape are your friends. Keep a sharp retractable blade to cut the plastic with. Use the heavy mil plastic on areas you want to drape, so you can reuse it - the plastic on the windows expect to trash it when done. Tarp the terrain with canvas.

You could have one guy doing just masking, the other sides after one side is masked, while someone else (single or plural) is sealing. You will want to create a labor rate for masking, and figure out how many sq ft per hour you can cover, allow for ladder changes etc. We factor masking costs into everything we do, decks, houses, etc.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks for all the input, thats awesome! Much wisdom, much wisdom. I think I just need to get a price tag on this one. That is, our first round of direct advertising will land Friday which should be bringing in quite a few "bang em out" straight deck resto jobs for us. I need to decide if getting into a project on this scale is really worth my effort right now. Could proove to be more of a distraction and consume so much of my resources that I'll miss out on the other more straight-forward projects coming down the pipes. May make sense to run some #'s and error on the high side for a bid on this one.

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Just cleaned/stripped same Superduck color today. That stuff fails all over and is junk. Some thick areas were not fun to strip and man did I have it strong..burned my wrist actually.

My first impression of that house yells like $15k-20k but I wonder what the back side is like. Is it just one story or two?

Going off approx. 10' per story X 30'ln per side ya get 3600ft. X $4= $14400 .. but that is a wild guess. But counting roof and balcony overhang or decking that thing could have twice that much footage regardless what the back is like....

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Some areas like that redwood masking job above could be done without plastic and tape expense and likely done as quik or quiker simply by tarping whole area and cutting in the underneith areas later on. In other words if one is good enough to tape an area like that with all them windows fast they would be just as fast in cutting in...

The log protection scheme I like... Apparently although each little window could be taped it was better choice to protect the whole thing as one square and get the fine work after...

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... Could proove to be more of a distraction and consume so much of my resources that I'll miss out on the other more straight-forward projects coming down the pipes. ...

That is a serious consideration. A big project, possible one time customer verses many smaller jobs and many more customers with maintenance every few years. Depends on your business strategy.

I know we would not attempt to tackle this job, at least until a period like August when things slow down. And at that, being a small shop, would probably partner with another contractor.

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I just closed a large barn style home with decks similar to that but it only had one level of deck. For a wash and recoat and the house (semi-solid oil) plus a 1200 sq ft elevated (10') deck that wraps half of the home we came in at just under $12K. Keep in mind this is a housewash mix on the home and a percarb and brighten on the deck..... no strip work. I would venture to say on the one in the picture you provided I would price it in the low $20's to strip and brighten. Best thing to do for reassuring bids is to guestimate your time and material involved and work it both ways. Sq Ft pricing works well but not on everything. For the one we just closed we'll have it all prep'd in one day and finished in about 4 days. It's not all that big of a house but it's 32' to the peak and board and batten so the need for scaffold will slow things.

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