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Beth n Rod

Virtual Election '08

Who are you voting for? (votes are private)  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you voting for? (votes are private)

    • McCain/Palin
    • Obama/Biden
    • One of the independents
    • Not going to vote at all


I thought it would be fun to hold a virtual election here on TGS. Cast your vote anywhere between now and Nov 4th. After that, the poll will close and we will see if out results match the Nation or not.

Make your vote count!


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Don't give me that, answer the question! I am a voter and need to hear those answers in order to be able to make an informed decision

. Give me a freakin break............you have absolutly NO intention of voting for her, typical lib.
She couldn't answer the question because it is beyond her ability to answer. Becoming the VP is not on the job training.

Well its a good thing the one you want to be the actual leader of the free world has such vast experience. Tell me, is a requirement for being a lefty a mandatory frontal labotamy?

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. Give me a freakin break............you have absolutly NO intention of voting for her, typical lib.

Well its a good thing the one you want to be the actual leader of the free world has such vast experience. Tell me, is a requirement for being a lefty a mandatory frontal labotamy?

Gee that was mature....


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My responses in blue:

. Give me a freakin break............you have absolutly NO intention of voting for her, typical lib.

Freakin Break! Based upon what I have seen of her, You're right! Keep the labels to yourself though, you don't know me.

Well its a good thing the one you want to be the actual leader of the free world has such vast experience. Obama has a Law Degree that is relevant to the job. Sorry, Palin has a journalism degree and was a sports caster. Tell me, is a requirement for being a lefty a mandatory frontal labotamy? I'll let that statement stand for others to see it for what it is.

I think it is much more productive to show some respect and allow others to have the right to choose without condemnation. I addressed no one directly and like others here, I voiced my opinion.

Republicans seem to have a need to speak ill of others who do not share their same views and even creating dividing lines amongst themselves. (liberal, conservative etc) I call it paranoia in the face of potentially losing credibility because of all the mistakes made up to this point. And you know what is even more incredible? They haven't learned a thing!

They created this mess and now they are blaming everyone else instead of being accountable and fixing it for the sake of the country and its children who stand to inherit the global decline of a nation. Tells me that there must be legal issues and no one wants to go to prison for it. Who will the scape goat be? Wall street? Corporate CEO's? Banks? or the government that turned a blind eye?

I don't know what picture you are looking at but the one I am facing doesn't look good for any of us. Period!

Ask yourself this, are we so proud of what we have accomplished that we cannot stop and ask one simple question?: What if we were wrong?


Edited by Beth n Rod
text color adjustment

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Republicans seem to have a need to speak ill of others who do not share their same views and even creating dividing lines amongst themselves. (liberal, conservative etc) I call it paranoia in the face of potentially losing credibility because of all the mistakes made up to this point. And you know what is even more incredible? They haven't learned a thing!


I think it's funny that you said for Rog to keep the labels to himself because he didn't know you....well, you don't know him either yet you called him a republican. He's not!!!

Rod, look through history and find a liberal program that turned out to NOT be a mistake. Which mistakes are you referring to about "republicans"?

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Rod, look through history and find a liberal program that turned out to NOT be a mistake. Which mistakes are you referring to about "republicans"?

Well it all depends on how you look at it Anthony.

Daniel Mudd, CEO of Fannie Mae, was replaced last month; he made $11.6 million in 2007. Richard Syron was chairman and CEO of Freddie Mac from 2003 until last month. He made $19.8 million last year.

“You look at Obama’s economic advisers, the guys he has counted on from day one and who have raised him a ton — and I mean a ton — of money: Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, both of them are waist to neck deep in the mortgage debacle.”

Both Raines and Johnson have served as CEO of Fannie Mae, with Raines taking over from Johnson. Both are key political and economic advisers to Obama.

This whole melt down is all credited to Democrats.

So basically there were alot of people that benefited from this program that ultimately led to the bail out. We have yet to see who all is "benefiting" from that. The people who were given loans so the banks wouldn't be "racist" benefited until they lost their homes.

Forgive me Anthony but you probably meant to say "What self respecting TAX PAYING Americans have ever benefited from a liberal program?"

This entire deal is a huge huge crime and alot of people need to be heading to Ft. Leavenworth Kansas to make big rocks into little rocks.

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My responses in blue:

I think it's funny that you said for Rog to keep the labels to himself because he didn't know you....well, you don't know him either yet you called him a republican. He's not!!!

I did not call him a republican, I made a generalization of what they (politicians) do. Yeah, Democratic politicians have been known to do it to a lesser extent, but, don't take my statements out of context like a republican politician would do.

Rod, look through history and find a liberal program that turned out to NOT be a mistake. Liberal? Liberal what? Liberal republican? Liberal Democrat? Liberal republican democrat? These labels convolute the issues. Who cares anyway, these were all people elected to office by the people! Are we gonna transfer the blame back to the people now? Sheesh!@ Which mistakes are you referring to about "republicans"?

--Forgive me if a just skim over the major events otherwise I will be writing a novel to make a point.--

Just look over the past 8 years of dubya. No, it didn't start with the dems. Reaganomics brought us into the age of lower prime interest rates to spur the economy and each republican president since has practiced some form of tax cuts for the rich to aid the poor crap; Bush sr's trickle down economics and dubya followed suit.

Each Democratic president inherited the economy of the previous and had to fix it. Clinton brought us back to a balanced budget and was going to produce a surplus. Dubya spent it all and went to war to finish daddies job and get us some democracy in a nation that never once wanted it.

There is a pattern here and the republicans don't want us to see it.

They say the democrats are tax and spenders, well, how can you not tax and provide for the populace? How can a government function without taxes? Especially with all the programs and funding needed to support its growing nation?

Let me ask anyone this; Can you afford to cut your prices and stay in business when you have set costs that require x amount of dollars and you are charging less?

The same principle holds true of government, taxes are needed to fund programs that are in place for it's citizens otherwise they have to look for it in other places like your social security savings.

Under Dubya, our tax refunds have decreased significantly each year he has been in office. How about yours? Oh, that nice little rebate he gave us all comes off in the end and that lessens how much you get the next time and the next ....

Where is the government going to get it's money to meet the fiscal budget? TAXES!

I'm not worried about paying taxes but I have problem when those taxes become the bulk of someone in congress's pay raise they never seem to find a problem voting for each time.

We are Americans first and foremost!!! This country comes first, not any specific party. Forget party loyalty, try listening objectively and not to just the commentators who taint what the political figures say to "dumb" it down for the average american to be able to understand and impose their own biases in the process. Listen to the politicians themselves directly as they speak. Verify what they say, the information is out there. (Nexis and Factivia newsbases)

Therein lies the ability for us as american voters to make sure we are voting for the best person for the job.

Then, let's get out there and make an informed decision to vote for the ones that are factual and have a proven track record of service and accomplishment.

That is how responsible americans vote and that is what a Patriot is to me.


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Well, I guess that is the fundamental difference between you and I Rod, I don't see the gov't as the entity that makes this the greatest country in the world. I see the people that go out there and create jobs for people. I see the people that go to work everyday and provide for their families. I see the men and women that voluntarily serve in our military and put their lives on the line just so we can live in a free country.

The gov't gets in the way of a growing economy in my opinion, they don't need more money, they need less money going to the RIGHT programs! They need to give MORE money back to the people that actually pay the taxes in this country so they can create more jobs, JUST LIKE BUSH HAS DONE THE LAST 8 YEARS. The unemplyement rate was lower than it ever was with Clinton for most of those 8 years even though we were attacked and forced into war that costs a lot of money.

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Its no use Ant, you can tell a lib the sky is blue 15 ways from sunday.............they will still say its green even though they are looking right at it. And your right, look at what was said............we NEED these programs...........we NEED to tax you to pay for them. They think this country IS great BECAUSE of our wonderful government, just amazing.

For the life of me Ill never be able to understand a libs way of thinking.............it makes absolutely no sense and never will.

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And this board now makes sense to me. Just about every piece of information available on the internet is crammed down your throat whether you want it or not. Its the owners view we are incapable of finding that on our own, we must be taken care of, and the filthy rich should pay for it.

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And this board now makes sense to me. Just about every piece of information available on the internet is crammed down your throat whether you want it or not. Its the owners view we are incapable of finding that on our own, we must be taken care of, and the filthy rich should pay for it.

You could not be farther from the truth. What is shared here is done for the benefit of all, you can take it or leave it, we hope it is beneficial for all. If this BBS doesn't help you or you don't like it here, you are welcome to log off. But please refrain from belittling our efforts to make a contribution to the industry of our chosen profession. What we do to help others is our choice, and tearing us or other members down is unprofessional and counter productive.


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OK, that's it. I'm filing for bankruptcy tomorrow...oh wait.

Forget all this hard work stuff and trying to make my small business work. I'm asking for a bailout from The Grime Scene to keep me in business. Why should I have to work hard and maintain a budget when there are people that have much bigger companies than I. Why shouldn't they pay for my company?

I would like some funds from all the companies on TGS that do more business than I do starting next week. I need these funds to continue my business. I would also like TGS to support my advertising efforts and would you kindly send a salesman to my area to sell for me? Just make sure that they are a minority, I don't care if they are qualified or not, just as long as my company seems diversified. That's all that matters, right?

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How about some free chemicals too? Those chemicals I get are pretty expensive and I don't think I should have to pay for them. People that are making way more money than me should.

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I'm joining this late, but my observations: Obama has actually worked in Senate duties something over 300 days and has voted for 'pork bill' monies to the tune of nearly one million dollars per day. McCain has been in session several thousand days - and his pork bill spending has been exactly zero. Zero! Can we afford to give Obama any voice at all? Obama has no governing experience whatsoever and not long ago couldn't earn enough to pay the rent. A silver spoon Harvard grad with a degree in law. Take it from one who was officed with these guys for years - the very fact that he is an attorney should throw up a red flag. It is not complimentary. He has the least qualification and ability of any candidate for high office I have ever seen - and that is a long, long time - I had a young family with 2 children when Eisenhower was still in office.

Consider all 4 candidates. In the recent debate Biden spewed lots of 'facts' in a sincere and stern manner. All thinking people everywhere now know that he did not have truth on his side. No one - even Biden himself - can dispute this. He is a political laughing-stock. Even his smarmy manner and smirks did him no good. He is badly afflicted with a psychological quirk, i.e., if you continue to tell yourself something you will believe it - even if it is an untruth. Can you imagine him as President with a bad attitude and one hand on the hot button that would seal our doom? I consider the Obama/Biden ticket the most dangerous team ever - by far.

I'm not going to convince anyone whose mind is made up, but if these two extreme liberals get in woe be to us. It may not affect me - I won't be around for the next 20-30 years to see the deterioriation - but my 8 grandkids and their kids may find themselves living in a 3rd would country. Don't take this lightly - I have been all over the world a number of times - even Islamic nations - and this has happened elsewhere (Spain, for just one example). If this is what you want then cast your vote for Obama - we may get just what we deserve.



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Hey Ant,

Happy, healthy, and on my way to Heaven - what could be better that that? In respect to "wise", I would suggest that trait rests with you - see Prov 6:6. For me it's 'just the facts, mam, just the facts'.

As a sideline insight to prior post, I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when I saw comments which suggest that Sarah Palin is somehow 'slow' or has not the ability to answer a question. First, the basic premise of logic is that a silly, trivial, or non-logical question is not a question and can and should be ignored or rebuffed. She has done exactly that on occasion. A couple weeks ago Palin was in our city and one of my grandsons and his wife were able to attend the rally. They were 25 feet from the podium standing right next to a mentally challenged person who had attended a previous rally. Upon concluding her speech Palin jumped off the stage and made a beeline to this person. She greeted him by first and last name and chatted about some fact of his life about which she was privy. She had met this person ONCE at a prior rally at which she met thousands of people! She treated my grandkids like old friends. She is the real deal, and has a photographic memory to boot. She knows or will very quickly learn all issues, and I'm confident will act with dignity, respect, and firmness. I wish it were she running for President.

I'd come over and post on TGP if I were able, but havn't been able to figure it out since the new format - lemme know if available to me.


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Hey Ant,

Happy, healthy, and on my way to Heaven - what could be better that that? In respect to "wise", I would suggest that trait rests with you - see Prov 6:6. For me it's 'just the facts, mam, just the facts'.

As a sideline insight to prior post, I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when I saw comments which suggest that Sarah Palin is somehow 'slow' or has not the ability to answer a question. First, the basic premise of logic is that a silly, trivial, or non-logical question is not a question and can and should be ignored or rebuffed. She has done exactly that on occasion. A couple weeks ago Palin was in our city and one of my grandsons and his wife were able to attend the rally. They were 25 feet from the podium standing right next to a mentally challenged person who had attended a previous rally. Upon concluding her speech Palin jumped off the stage and made a beeline to this person. She greeted him by first and last name and chatted about some fact of his life about which she was privy. She had met this person ONCE at a prior rally at which she met thousands of people! She treated my grandkids like old friends. She is the real deal, and has a photographic memory to boot. She knows or will very quickly learn all issues, and I'm confident will act with dignity, respect, and firmness. I wish it were she running for President.

I'd come over and post on TGP if I were able, but havn't been able to figure it out since the new format - lemme know if available to me.


Proverbs 6:6 "Go to the Ant, thou sluggard; consider [his] ways, and be wise:" Hahahah...good one man. I've been trying to convince people of this for years, but for some reason, they just don't believe me :D

I have learned a ton from you, you are wise and appreciated.

People can't get past the fact that even though Palin is gorgeous on the outside, she is also VERY smart with a big heart that walks the talk. It's hard for liberals to get this concept. Most (not all) of them are too high and mighty to actually live by all the rules that they want everybody else to live by. They like to talk, but when it comes to actually walking the walk, they don't do it. Here is ONE example of that.

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Man you right wing guys crack me up, everything is someone Else's fault. I hear hardly any Republicans saying that anything that is wrong is the republicans fault. Its all the dems fault. Now that the s**t has hit the fan they are all running for cover, now they want more regulations in the banking & investment areas. They have to bailout everyone and we have to pay for it etc etc etc

If Plain was on the democratic ticket and leaned left a little you would be tearing her apart, but because she's says she's for the right and Joe six pack she's the second coming of Reagan. You all could of put a trained elephant in for VP and ohhhh wow that elephant is great. Ha Ha Ha just sooooo funny

Hey you all may not like Obama & Biden, but take some responsibility will ya for for some of your policies and people that helped create this mess and admit Palin isn't the best choice to say the least to be VP and possibly President at anytime. And admit McCain has Washington lobbyist running his campaign and now because he's falling behind he & they are going to go real negative and try to take the election off the issues and just be negative to try to win. Well its not going to work. The Republicans in office and in the past and McCain have a lot to do with what has happened in many areas of economy and other world matters and now they are going to pay the price by the majority of Americans

I know Democrats aren't perfect, but please dont tell me the Republicans are. Take responsibility for the mess you helped create

Change is what we need and a man like McCain who supports or supportted many of Bushes policies is not change. Go ahead ask Bush & McCain if they think they have ever done anything wrong, Their like the rest of you right wingers, they blame it all on the Dems too. FUNNY but sad

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As a sideline insight to prior post, I nearly fell off my chair with laughter when I saw comments which suggest that Sarah Palin is somehow 'slow' or has not the ability to answer a question. First, the basic premise of logic is that a silly, trivial, or non-logical question is not a question and can and should be ignored or rebuffed. She has done exactly that on occasion.

That is the problem for me and the reason for my response in this thread, that politicians seem to think that they can choose which questions to answer.

To me it is deceptive and evasive. That is the kind of thing that has gotten us to distrust our government in the first place and I don't condone it.

If a politician agrees to willingly submit to a debate and answer questions, what gives them the right to avoid any one in particular? This is a betrayal of the voters confidence and I hope people will see it for what it is, a Flaw in their character. Biden answered every one.


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I have to say I much prefer hearing any candidate answer the questions rather than using the podium as a pulpit for an infomercial. Buy prime time for that people, some of us want to hear your stand on the issues, don't blame any of us if we choose NOT to vote for you because you can't even follow basic debate guidelines.


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