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polyurethane advice


I need some professional advice but the paint store is closed so I had to come here instead. Just kidding.

I have a new dashboard to install in my little British Spitfire but I want to polyurethane it first. It's solid cherry wood and already stained. Should I use oil or water based and is there a brand name I should go with. Naturally the car is stored each winter but not in a heated garage, I don't know if the cold will effect the polyurethane. Any advice?

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7 answers to this question

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I replaced my dash in the TR6 with cherry. I used oil polyurethane. Dont know abt the humidity as I was in California at the time. Unfortunately when I moved to Fla the car rusted at every joint and with a new family, I couldnt afford a hobby car so had to get rid of it. I still stop every time I see one. Miss that car terribly as it was the one thing I most identify my youth with.

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It's one of those things that could be affected and more from the Sun. I think spring and fall are more of an issue for dampness. Keep it covered. I miss my MGB. A couple more years and I will have another but not sure what kind of little car yet. I saw a mint TR4 over the weekend but yellow. Not fond of yellow. My problem is fitting into some of these new 2 seaters. They seem to be made for people under 5'10. I cannot fit in a Miata or the Chrysler crossfire and not comfy in older BMW 2 seater. At 6'2 it was a good fit in the MGB.

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... Miss that car terribly as it was the one thing I most identify my youth with.


10-4. A few yrs. after college, bought a '74 1/2 MGB-GT. Taught me a bit about mechanics, was a PITA at times with suspension, electronics, and carb/ignition. But when that car was on, it was a real hoot and pleasure to drive. Fond memories...

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I've got to find pictures (and post them) of my last Spitfire. I had run out of gas on the highway, parked it in the breakdown lane and started walking. About 2 or 3 minutes into my walk I hear the police cranking down the highway chasing a drunk driver. I guess you know the rest of the story. He ran right over my car and launched himself in the air, rolling his car 6 or 7 times. Crazy thing was about 2 months afterwards I get a letter from his lawyer, He's suing me! He hurt his arm in the accident. Claims if my car wasn't there he wouldn't have been injured. Went to court twice and was thrown out both times.

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I need some professional advice but the paint store is closed so I had to come here instead. Just kidding.

I have a new dashboard to install in my little British Spitfire but I want to polyurethane it first. It's solid cherry wood and already stained. Should I use oil or water based and is there a brand name I should go with. Naturally the car is stored each winter but not in a heated garage, I don't know if the cold will effect the polyurethane. Any advice?

Sun is more an issue than humidity/moisture. Consider a Spar Varnish rather than poly.

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