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John T

Who's sending out these roof cleaning Org. joke emails?


This email was forwarded to me from a friend. Who's sending them out


Check this out.* Someone sent it to us last night.



-------- Original Message --------


From: "Albert Einstein" <Einstein.albert@scientist.com>

Date: Thu, February 21, 2013 10:59 am

To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Roof Cleaner

It has come to my attention that your company isn't certified for roof cleaning. I'm hoping I might be able to convince you to join one of our accredited members.

Myself and my fellow Nobel award winning scientists have performed an in depth and comprehensive study into roof cleaning.

Many of the results of our study were perplexing. In fact, we repeated the tests several times to verify the results. Upon completion, we published our findings in several peer reviewed journals and allowed further study before releasing the findings. Lastly, we submitted our findings to the Bureau of Weights and Measures and the US Department of Standards and Compliance.


We have shared this information in the past with a few of your industry leaders and would like to offer this study to you.

Some of the findings you'll discover in the pamphlet


Logo's increase the quality of the roof cleaning.

The more words you type, the the better you are at cleaning roofs.

Typing has produced several "expert" roof cleaners.

Believing they are a member of an "elite" Org makes people smarter

Acronyms in the Org name doubles's the quality of a roof cleaner.

Feeling "certified" makes you feel smart.


Myself and my fellow scientists have formed a certification clearinghouse to accredit the certifications. The Western Institute of Technology (TWIT) accreditation allows fellow TWIT members to share their unique knowledge with other members. There are currently two TWIT organizations but we are working with another to bring them up to TWIT standards.

Not everyone can be a TWIT, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

For just $150, you can begin your journey to becoming a TWIT. You'll receive our 10 page study, a TWIT sticker, a forum account to type in, and a title. For an additional $49.99, we'll make you an accredited TWIT instructor.

Please visit our website www.twits.scientists.com.

We accept PayPal and all major credit cards.

Thank you

Albert Einstein*

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I get forwards every day on my phone text which sometimes I just pass them on if there funny.

I also get emails sent to me all the time probably because of my last job. My response to those is always calm down, take it easy, don't take what so and so said so seriously etc etc.. I never mind helping to sooth people's nerves.

This email my guess has to be coming from someone who's been reading some of these threads here and on other places.


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  John T said:
The Western Institute of Technology (TWIT) accreditation allows fellow TWIT members to share their unique knowledge with other members. There are currently two TWIT organizations but we are working with another to bring them up to TWIT standards.

Not everyone can be a TWIT, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Now that's pretty funny and well thought out....

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  SoCalKpow said:
I'm just gonna laugh at this one...


Lol.. I thought it was funny to but when I got a phone call about this it seems the person doing this is actually a supporter of the org. who's president is doing all these YouTube video's. The person that appears to be sending these emails is unhappy about something that is causing drama... Nothing in this Industry suprises me anymore..

Edited by John T
Rephrased the drama sentence to add unhappy in it.

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  NJWashingGuy said:
John, is this a joke ?? Or are there a bunch of TWITs out there doing this?

Lol.. The odd thing about this Mike is the person who maybe sending these out may also be helping writing some of these Certs but he's mad about something.. Figures. Favoritism pisses hard workers off... EVERYTIME.

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  bigchaz said:
John do you know who wrote the email?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

I definitely know who sent it to me. It was sent to this guys website email.. I'll call him tomorrow to see if he will comment about this on TGS. He thinks one of those guys is purposely messing with him.. Like you said Charlie "Someone has to much time on there hands". Better yet give me your email address and since your a BOD I'll ask this guy if I can just forward to you his email. Maybe you may know who it is. It's one of the reasons I asked if anyone else got this email. I haven't yet but then again I was never asked to help with the ***** so I'm not targeted with this garbage.

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Hi John, If you don't know who authored the original email maybe it's not appropriate to speculate. In the middle schools they call that "gossip". I think you are better than that, and could instead try to set an example for the youngsters like me. Just a thought, thanks John

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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  bigchaz said:
Hi John, If you don't know who authored the original email maybe it's not appropriate to speculate. In the middle schools they call that "gossip". I think you are better than that, and could instead try to set an example for the youngsters like me. Just a thought, thanks John

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

We pretty much know who it is..

Your a smart dude Charlie. It would be good to see you elevated into the ***** VP slot cause some of your comrades can learn alot from you already. If you were a ***** VP it's already obvious you have integrity and would stop your Pres. Doing what he does so other ***** members don't feel slighted who have schools themselves.

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  John T said:
Lol.. The odd thing about this Mike is the person who maybe sending these out may also be helping writing some of these Certs but he's mad about something.. Figures. Favoritism pisses hard workers off... EVERYTIME.

Thanks for sending me the link John...I totally missed this thread. I follow threads in tabs rather than using the board like it should be. Old habit from sport's forums that got 5+ threads a minute during a game....impossible to keep track.

I seen that same email last year....before the ***** launched their cert thread. Einstein didn't directly email me, I guess I'm not worthy. Dave at Roof Refresh forwarded it to me. I think he was emailed directly.

Dave is a Mod at Don's board.....are only Mod's getting emails from Einstein? Perhaps a clue?

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  Cyclone said:
Thanks for sending me the link John...I totally missed this thread. I follow threads in tabs rather than using the board like it should be. Old habit from sport's forums that got 5+ threads a minute during a game....impossible to keep track.

I seen that same email last year....before the ***** launched their cert thread. Einstein didn't directly email me, I guess I'm not worthy. Dave at Roof Refresh forwarded it to me. I think he was emailed directly.

Dave is a Mod at Don's board.....are only Mod's getting emails from Einstein? Perhaps a clue?

Very interesting Barry since you said this. The people who I know got this are yes indeed Mods on various boards. The guess is that its coming from someone inside who is a bit Disgrunted as being overlooked for something.

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  bigchaz said:
Hi John, If you don't know who authored the original email maybe it's not appropriate to speculate. In the middle schools they call that "gossip". I think you are better than that, and could instead try to set an example for the youngsters like me. Just a thought, thanks John

No Charlie let him continue, his previous posts are much more credible now.

Barry, I tip my hat to you Sir, that was info you didn't have to release. You're a hard guy to get a read on.

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John T, Who ever wrote the email had obviously read all of the org bashing in one sitting and was transported to an elevated level. I like his stuff! If you find out who is the author, please forward his contact information and I will sign him up with a six figure salary to grow the Armstrong Clark Co.

Twitless in Calif,


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  Jake Clark said:
John T, Who ever wrote the email had obviously read all of the org bashing in one sitting and was transported to an elevated level. I like his stuff! If you find out who is the author, please forward his contact information and I will sign him up with a six figure salary to grow the Armstrong Clark Co.

Twitless in Calif,


From your fellow twitster because of your Post maybe the real brain behind this will stand up and say The line that got Peter Finch from the movie Network who received the academy award for this famous line which he died before he was able to accept his best actor award for.. I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. - YouTube

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John T,

If this video can bring civility to the members of the orgs and the orgs themselves, I am all in favor of hefting a glass of beer at Matt, Mary and Jack's RT in Albany. The first round is on me.



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  Jake Clark said:
John T,

If this video can bring civility to the members of the orgs and the orgs themselves, I am all in favor of hefting a glass of beer at Matt, Mary and Jack's RT in Albany. The first round is on me.



You just made me an offer I can't refuse:)You your good.

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  John T said:
You just made me an offer I can't refuse:)You your good.

John T, I have found the author and it is none other than a famous pressure washer from the 1880's, Oscar Wilde.

Hope this helps,


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  John T said:
Very interesting Barry since you said this. The people who I know got this are yes indeed Mods on various boards. The guess is that its coming from someone inside who is a bit Disgrunted as being overlooked for something.

Turns out I was wrong.....I dug back through the old email and found it. It was about 2 weeks after Ron started his "lets talk certs" thread.

Here is the email headers of what Dave forwarded me....he got it on the 24th of Sept.....sent it to me on the 25th.

I suppose John could be right....

From: Dave [mailto:dave@roofrefresh.com]

Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:14 AM

To: admin@roofcleaningcontractors.com

Subject: Fwd: Certified Roof Cleaner

Begin forwarded message:

From: Einstein.albert@scientist.com

Date: September 24, 2012 7:36:49 PM EDT

To: dave@roofrefresh.com

Subject: Certified Roof Cleaner

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