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Dave O

The water is clean here.


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There is no point. It's from the little vacation we took the kids and dogs on. They love how clear the water is for finding turtles and fish. Should there be a point about my sharing my little enjoyment I have with my family? You seem to have a problem with people you don't know.

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There is no point. It's from the little vacation we took the kids and dogs on. They love how clear the water is for finding turtles and fish. Should there be a point about my sharing my little enjoyment I have with my family? You seem to have a problem with people you don't know.

Easy, I wasn't trying to be a smart A**, I just couldn't figure out what the point of the post was. If it was about your vaction that's great. I simply couldn't figure out the connection between the title and the post, that's all.

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Forget about it. Just there has been alot of hostility on alot of the boards. Seems like if someone were to post a picture of a #2 pencil everyone would fight over it lately. I was going to post some more pics of the vacation but my headache would not let me. Sorry I went off, just thought it was starting again and I couldn't figure out why. Oh well Scott is right I do have to take my pills LOL I have been pretty much stuck at the home office for ever now since vacation. Got sick 3 days in with the wife her to, but not the kids. Almost a month now with splitting headaches that are worse than the migraines I used to get. At least those would level off these just build and build until you have to knock yourself out with meds. LOL Boy and if I have to see another doctor or hospital again I will just go run and hide somewhere.

I am not allowed to go out and play and I hate it. If I go near my trucks or toys I get the where do you think your going thing. Get back where the doctor said you need to rest. LOL Yeah you know how many times I let the dogs in and out just to get out? The dogs don't mind and then I run and run LOL

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Everyone go to a neutral corner and take a valium.

I'm sitting in the corner waiting for ya'll :lgjump: :lgwave:

Sorry to hear that you are hurting Dave and your meds can kill the pain.

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