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Jeff Robison

Diversification versus Specialization?


I will be entering my third year in the pressure cleaning field and have started to contemplate a few different things. I am really wondering on whether to Diversify the things I clean such as commercial equipment, fleets, staining decks, gutter cleaning, advertising to both commercial and residential? Or focus on one area such as commercial flat work? Make that my focus get aggressive and try to be the absolute best at that field?

I have seen companies that seem to be very successful taking both approaches. Henry seems like he does very well being well diversified and stays busy year round with different aspects of his business.

I also see companies like Ron ********** that only does commercial flat work and does very well. Sunbrite with Decks, Fleetwashers only, etc.

Keep in mind I am a small time operator with me and one helper when needed. I also have no immediate plans to leave my good full time job.

I am in Metro Atlanta Georgia, so there is plenty of work, no matter what I would focus on. Actually I enjoy doing both commercial and residential about the same. I am looking to add a part time guy on this year, one that I could send out to complete a job on his own.

Just looking for the advise of seasoned pro's out there. As always I appreciate any input that you give.

Jeff Robison

Titan Exterior


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We have certain things we do specialize in, however we offer certain services beyond just what we specialize in, when we feel they are a good fit. In areas where we don't offer service, we do have companies we network with and do some lead sharing.


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I'm a window cleaner here in the UK, and plan on getting my act together with pressure washing in the next couple of years.

I'm lucky that I have been able to build my round gradually and can see that pw will fit into that as well. I don't think my clients, or potential clients see that as a problem - they just appreciate the service available - as long as it's a quality service, of course!

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I am not a seasoned pro by any stretch but I am ready to add my second crew for residential work this coming season. I am also increasing my pay rate, adding benefits and am going to offer a good friend an enticing package to come aboard with me full time as a foreman. I have to admit I am a bit nervous about the whole thing because of the financial commitment I have to make to my employees. Will there be enough work to keep everyone happy and still have enough left over to meet the profit to which I am accustomed ? I sure hope so, but it is also why I think I am leaning towards diversification.

The other part of my brain tells me that a specialist is more credible to the public. By finely tuning in on a single service you can become very talented in your chosen field. For the time being I have assumed the path of offering just residential property washing and deck restoration. When I get to know a customer and learn they have additional contracting needs I try to fill them through hiring subs.

The reality is, for us in the northeast, our season can start in May and end in September. If I am going to committ to a workforce I need to have other forms of income generated under the PP corporation.

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Tell you what Jeff, I'm just like you. I'm entering my 4th yr, my 2nd yr full time. I'm only running 1 full time employee. I had a rough fall(I'm seasonal April 1st to Dec 1st) I made a few bad decisions this fall regarding advertising and right now I'm bartending until spring. I've decided to deversify my biz into driveway sealcoating, sealing and staining concrete, and applying epoxy garage coatings. I attempted gutter cleaning this winter with a 24 ft ladder and it failed. I need bigger ladders and Ireally have no money to front that. Right now I'm doing alot of research, but basically this biz is a huge learning experience. Everytime I learn something from my mistakes I grow so much stronger. That kind of like life, I guess. Someday, I hope, I'll be like the pros on this board and make bank and have a ton of knowledge, but it takes time and experience. My goal is to have a residential and commercial division of my biz, we'll see.

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We are going into our 6th year in the business. We started out with one person ~ me. Cold water rig, borrowed ladders and an attitude that we were not going to give up!! Our gross sales the first year was terrible.

Over the years we have added a few things to our services to help round us out. Services such as concrete design, landscaping design, painting, landscaping maintenance and of course residential/commerical power washing.

Our company's success is reflective on the strong and talented individuals associated with us and that our fundamental business model is disciplined, straightforward and focused on generating value while managing risks.

Today as in our 1st day in business, we are looking for ways to improve our image, our service and our workmanship. Customer service is key to any business endeavor and the majority of your marketing energy should be customer service driven.

If you diversify your service, please be sure you can deliver top notch service on everything you provided.

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Jeff I would think deversify and do both residential & commercial, but as Carlos states make sure you can handle everything you offer. By offering both res & comm you can check out if one is more profitable than the other and if your working towards doing this full time eventually, be prepared to spend alot of hours building your biz

When I first started doing residential, with in a year I knew I could make some decent money doing residential, then with in a couple years I had some commercial work fall my way and found out that I really like ddoing both. you say where you are you can get plenty of work in many areas res & comm you're lucky. You never know whats going to come your way. I believe if you offer all kinds of pressure washing, you still are specializing. Specializing in PWing. Leaving a fulltime job & doing this fulltime can be scary and take time to establish so why not be open to all kinds of PWing

Specializing is greaty as long as theres enough work. Henry & Ron M have some very nice business but Im sure they worked on them very hard to be where they are today. My biz is growing and getting new contacts all the time but I spend alot of time at getting the work. But to me its all fun. Fun doing the work, fun trying to figure out ways to get more work and most of all fun watching the biz grow.

As Carlos said customer service is most important, with quality, I say try it all and strive to be the best at what ever you decide and go for it full force. I want to be big, but most of all I want to be considered the BEST

Good luck


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