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hey i visit this board at times and post when a subject is interesting or if i can answer a question that i have experience with, now i get a message that says "etc you havent posted in a while please take the time...etc" so i try to respond and i get a list of rules and check the box if i agree and comply.....

it really kills my whole sprit to communicate, man i swear i feel like im typing into russia or some communist web site,

whats goin on?....

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Greeting - It's to help get the shy guys to post. :)

The rules - went in to effect recently and once you agree to them per forum, you won't ever see them again. They protect us all from many things, and it was time we had them.


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hey i visit this board at times and post when a subject is interesting or if i can answer a question that i have experience with, now i get a message that says "etc you havent posted in a while please take the time...etc" so i try to respond and i get a list of rules and check the box if i agree and comply.....

it really kills my whole sprit to communicate, man i swear i feel like im typing into russia or some communist web site,

whats goin on?....

Hey Bob, how the heck are you, dont see you to much, hope all is well.

The rules thing I think is new and just a one time thing. Do it and then you wont need to do it again

Its not Russia more like Cuba before Castro LOL

Any more anti TGS propaganda and you'll be put in front of the firing squad:bullistic you understand comrade LOL:lgsideway

Come around more Bob, good to hear from you Dude


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It was done with one purpose in mind. To get you to come out from hiding with a post like the one above. Now that we know you are alive and well, you must keep coming around or another message and new rules wil be sent.

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This is the squeakiest PW BBS on the internets, but also has more traffic than all of the other ones combined. The rules are there to help keep it professional. Not much fun, but loads of great info. There are plenty of other boards that are much more relaxed and you can check those out if you feel violated in any way.

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Matt says:

There are plenty of other boards that are much more relaxed and you can check those out if you feel violated in any way.

I don't know, things are pretty relaxed here. Have fallen asleep with TGS in my face more than once. Beth & Rod have to put their foot down and rein in a bunch of wild cats once in a while. Keeps 'em busy and lets us peons know who's King and Queen of this site. Plus, they've managed to put up with me for quite some time.

I've been waiting to "feel violated" by Beth for four years now. Come on, ya' little wood workin' minx, lets bump off Rod and go off an do a log cabin in the middle of the woods!

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Ha! Glad you enjoyed the costume, most others there looked scared when I walked through the door. John T. was reaching for his "peace piece".

That last pic is shocking, do I look that bad? The only gal running off with me will have to be blind. Hmmm, now theres a thought....

The pig with the cig is right up my alley. Should have dressed the swine up with my respirator. Send it email if you have a chance. Also, found what you need and will snail mail today.

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