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What Political Party Best Describes You ?  

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  1. 1. What Political Party Best Describes You ?


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I didn't think anyone knew that one. Good choice.


WHAT is a Constitutionalists ?

Do you mean the Constitution BEFORE or AFTER all the "Amendments", LOL

SOME might argue that ONCE the Constitution was "Amended" there was in effect NO More Constitution, LOL

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Hey..I changed..where's the Moderate party option..haha.j/k :lgbonk:

The Political Compass - Test

Kevin you MUST be a TGS Moderator to be a member of the "Moderate Party".

The last TGS Moderator was called "Infraction Jackson" because he was so "quick on the trigger".:lolsign:

Word also had it that "Infraction Jackson" had more built in regulation then a K 7 Unloader !

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I am a true conservative. I think GW has just really let the base of the party down and has turned out to be not all that conservative on several issues. I am sick and tired of working every day just so the people that take advantage of our intitlement society that we created can go home and eat prime rib while we are eating Mac and Cheese. I used to be an asst manager at a grocery store and it would burn my ass at the beginning of the month when we would cut the biggest packs of the best meat because we knew it would sell quick, and not for cash. I had one customer that had a Motorola Star Tac(right when they first came out) and about 5 screaming kids that she no more paid attention to as the man on the moon, but she always had a full cart of brand name. Hell the first time I seen her phone was the first time I had ever seen one in person. I believe socialized healthcare will not work, look at our educational system. Most people in countries that have it hate it. I hear people say that "I just can't afford my medicines" I agree that crap is high without insurance, BUT if the gov't wasn't paying for 90% of medicines consumed to you really think it would be that high. Supply and demand says no, because people wouldn't beable to afford it. Anyone that says there is no work out their ain't looking either, I have never went more than a week without work unless I choose too. People are so dang lazy now and expect it all to be handed to them. Here in conservative based Missouri and disaster strikes we start fixing things, not sit there and wait on the Gov't to show up, when did that become the gov't job. I am also tired of rebuilding the same house 2 and 3 times with my tax money. Ok I am done ranting. Thank You guys

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I hate to be pessimistic but the way I see it Republican or Democrat, doesn't make a difference. One party will kill you quick the other is slow poison. Both parties are pathetic. The only hope for the future of the U.S. is a third party candidate that understands the constitution, doesn't view it as a living document, and will restore this country to what the founders envisioned. That won't happen because we have a dumbed down electorate. I did feel a glimmer of hope when people woke up and sent Bush's immigration reform bill down in flames. I will vote for whatever third party candidate runs only because there is not a "none of the above" box on the ballot.

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I hate to be pessimistic but the way I see it Republican or Democrat, doesn't make a difference. One party will kill you quick the other is slow poison. Both parties are pathetic. The only hope for the future of the U.S. is a third party candidate that understands the constitution, doesn't view it as a living document, and will restore this country to what the founders envisioned. That won't happen because we have a dumbed down electorate. I did feel a glimmer of hope when people woke up and sent Bush's immigration reform bill down in flames. I will vote for whatever third party candidate runs only because there is not a "none of the above" box on the ballot.

I feel very much the same way about the partys. The Democrats seem to believe in every thing I dont and are bound and determined to ruin this country by big govmt., illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion anywhere/anytime, and of course thier anti-military bias. The Republicans have totally lost thier way on thier conservative principles and are ruining the country because of thier timidness in pursuing conservativism.

Conservativism is about small government, and low taxes, letting people help themselves and getting out of the way to allow people and businesses to thrive, a strong national defense and that all life is sacred even if its not convenient.

I think we built Bush into something he's not because the alternative was too scary too imagine. He was never really a conservative and he definately isnt a communicator. I do believe he has good ideas though, and the hatred the dems show him is what is pulling this country apart. Most conservatives disliked Clinton. But after he was elected, I didnt see bumper stickers saying 'He's not MY president' like you still see today about bush. the abject hatred just wasnt there, and dont bring up talk radio as an axample of hatred of clinton, Because with a few exeptions, no one spewed real hatred, just dislike and he opened himself up to it because of his behavior not his policies. I am one that think he did well domestically, but terribly on foreign policy.

I believe a third party could work if you get a strong conservative, with extremely good communication skills. But even with that, He wont get past the media bias, and will just pull votes away from either party he is most closely related to. And even if he wins, he has to still lead one or the other of the parties to get his ideas through to legislation. A moderate just wont cut it this time. It will either be Hillary on the far left or a strong conservative who can get his message out.

The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.

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I feel very much the same way about the partys. The Democrats seem to believe in every thing I dont and are bound and determined to ruin this country by big govmt., illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion anywhere/anytime, and of course thier anti-military bias. The Republicans have totally lost thier way on thier conservative principles and are ruining the country because of thier timidness in pursuing conservativism.

Conservativism is about small government, and low taxes, letting people help themselves and getting out of the way to allow people and businesses to thrive, a strong national defense and that all life is sacred even if its not convenient.

I think we built Bush into something he's not because the alternative was too scary too imagine. He was never really a conservative and he definately isnt a communicator. I do believe he has good ideas though, and the hatred the dems show him is what is pulling this country apart. Most conservatives disliked Clinton. But after he was elected, I didnt see bumper stickers saying 'He's not MY president' like you still see today about bush. the abject hatred just wasnt there, and dont bring up talk radio as an axample of hatred of clinton, Because with a few exeptions, no one spewed real hatred, just dislike and he opened himself up to it because of his behavior not his policies. I am one that think he did well domestically, but terribly on foreign policy.

I believe a third party could work if you get a strong conservative, with extremely good communication skills. But even with that, He wont get past the media bias, and will just pull votes away from either party he is most closely related to. And even if he wins, he has to still lead one or the other of the parties to get his ideas through to legislation. A moderate just wont cut it this time. It will either be Hillary on the far left or a strong conservative who can get his message out.

The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.

Give me a break, you didnt see hatred towards clinton from the Republicans. They knew there wasnt much to whitewater when it came to the Clintons. for a 100K land deal they spent $70,000,000 investigating it, they wasted years & tons of money trying to impeach Clinton when they knew he wouldnt finally get the impeachment. Yes he was wrong, he should of been ashamed and the congress could have done a writen saction of some kind to denouse his actions, but waste all that time and money, when they knew it was a waste and it would just divide more.

Hell Clinton did a lot of things the republicans wanted...NAFTA (used to be only a republican issue)wasnt popular with the dem base but clinton did it anyway. Clinton & Gore cut thousands of Gov Jobs THOUSANDS. Clinton cut the welfare rolls quite a bit. A lot of what Clinton did wasnt popular with his base but he did it

As for Illegal immigration, FORGET BUSH, he is promoting letting them all in, doing directives to bypass congress and his party base just to let mexican trucker on all our roads, BUSH is a madman on a mission to turn this country into an unsafe 3rd world nation that the immigrants dont have to pay, we do. I dont like Bush, I do like some republicans. But please dont tell me they were all sweat & nice when Clinton was in office. half the reasons the Dems Hate BUSH is becasue of the rediculous way the republican went after Clinton

You are right that the some of the Dems are weaker on defense. I Like a strong defense, but lack of planning in the Bush admin, not just for the Iraq war, but in restocking our equipment, vet affairs over stressed military and showing our hand to the rest of the world (meaning the whole world now knows that we dont have a lot of reserve troops, meaning they see an area that we can't control and in the total picture its not a big area, They see that we cant stock ALL our soldiers with body armor or vehicles that cant even stop small roadside bombs. Bushes Is hurting and did hurt ouur military for years to come and has spent billions on private contractors, private military and construction that used to be done by the US troops. Bush is not a great Military President althou he talks a good game

I guess you had never seen the tons of Bumper Stickers saying Impeach Clinton and the tons of other ones that I cant recall the slogans

Jon, I will vote Republican or Democrat in 2008 unless there is a good independent. But please we are such a divided nation politically and in many other ways and its our National Leaders that are dividing us. If its McCain or Hillary I will vote McCain, I do not want to vote for anyone far right or far left. We are americans I would like a leader to finally bring us together.

crap i got to stop talking politics

Yours Truly Liberal Jeff

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I feel very much the same way about the party's. The Democrats seem to believe in every thing I dont and are bound and determined to ruin this country by big gov., illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion anywhere/anytime, and of course their anti-military bias. The Republicans have totally lost their way on their conservative principles and are ruining the country because of their timidness in pursuing conservatism.

Conservatism is about small government, and low taxes, letting people help themselves and getting out of the way to allow people and businesses to thrive, a strong national defense and that all life is sacred even if its not convenient.

I think we built Bush into something he's not because the alternative was too scary too imagine. He was never really a conservative and he definitely isnt a communicator. I do believe he has good ideas though, and the hatred the dems show him is what is pulling this country apart. Most conservatives disliked Clinton. But after he was elected, I didnt see bumper stickers saying 'He's not MY president' like you still see today about bush. the abject hatred just wasn't there, and dont bring up talk radio as an example of hatred of Clinton, Because with a few exceptions, no one spewed real hatred, just dislike and he opened himself up to it because of his behavior not his policies. I am one that think he did well domestically, but terribly on foreign policy.

I believe a third party could work if you get a strong conservative, with extremely good communication skills. But even with that, He wont get past the media bias, and will just pull votes away from either party he is most closely related to. And even if he wins, he has to still lead one or the other of the parties to get his ideas through to legislation. A moderate just wont cut it this time. It will either be Hillary on the far left or a strong conservative who can get his message out.

The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.

Common Jon, Gay Americans should have rights too ?

The Constitution provides for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

Just because someones "pursuit of happiness" is different from ours, do we deny them rights afforded to other Americans ?

NOT everyone BELIEVES the Bible, so where are you coming from ?

And, what gives us the right to impose our views on "Morality" on another human being ?

Homosexuality is not right for me, I like Women.

But MOST ORGANIZED Religion is not right for me either.


Personally, I think it STUPID to be in a Church on Sunday, much rather be watching Football.

I have LITTLE tolerance for some "Holier then thou Hypocrite" preaching some 2000 + year old book, written by MEN, as the "word of God", LOL

A TRUE Conservative will recognize that the State needs to stay the heck OUT of a persons decision to do what they WANT to their own bodies.

The PROBLEM with "Conservatives" is getting mixed up with the "Religious Right"

So, instead of having the dreaded Government running our lives, now we got a lot of "Bible Belchers" doing it instead.

IMHO, how can ANY so called "Conservative" hate Govt intervention in peoples lives, yet impose Christian religious beliefs on the masses ?

Some of Our ancestors FLED the Church Of England to found America.

They sought "FREEDOM FROM PERSECUTION", to live, and let live.

Funny thing Jon, Nancy and Ronald Reagan, the so called Darlings of the religious "right" WERE opposed to stem cell research.

BUT, after Regan died from Alzheimer's, Nancy is a BIG supporter of Stem Cell Research, LOL

IMHO, the Government needs to stay then heck OUT of our bedrooms, and our lives.

Gays should NOT even have to ASK for rights, they are Americans too, like em or not.

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He's another senator that never ran anything. I don't know anything much about him, but I'm wondering if he's anything more than a good actor. I'll wait to judge on him till he gets out there more than just being on the Leno show

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[quote name=Jon Chapman

The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.[/quote]

Bush will LONG be remembered for his appointment of Religious Fanatics to our Supreme Court.

"Quasi Conservatives" who CLAIM Conservative values, but who in reality are "puppets of the religious right".

A REAL Conservative will have NO opinion on Religion.

Our Constitution is SUPPOSED to provide the right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of Happiness for ALL Americans.

Not just "believers in Christian values"

To impose a Christian standard on our citizens is EXACTLY the type of religious tyranny the early settlers were TRYING to escape from.

Sorry to burst some peoples bubbles, but all Americans do not believe in the Bible, and many do not even believe in God.

It is unconstitutional to impose any type of religious controls on Americans.

Unfortunately, those that NEED to control others have found loopholes in the Constitution, allowing them to appoint people with KNOWN Religious and Political beliefs to the Supreme Court to undermine the intentions of the Constitution.

You know as contractors how WE react when a bid on a big contract is FIXED ?

I submit it is a FIXED game appointing known religious zealots to the Supreme Court.

It is a mockery to all our early settlers fought so hard for.

IMHO, we need to get BACK to the US Constitution, and HONOR the separation between Church and State.

Governor Bush here in Florida sent tax money to religious schools, a MOCKERY of the Constitution IMHO.

What a SCAM, the preachers turn out the Republican votes, and in return Bush thanks em by turning loose OUR tax dollars in Church Schools, LOL

There was a reason for the insistence between Church and State, it is written into our Constitution, but the zealots have figured ways around it.

A SAD day for America, IMHO:lgtear:

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now Ive heard it all. Show me in the constitution where it says 'seperation of church and state.' Have you even read the constitution?

Does that mean its ok to appoint anti christion or anti religious bigots to the supreme court?

The supreme court justices who made up the right in the constitution to abortion, do you think they were defending the rights of those unborn citizens to thier pursuit of happiness?

It was Christians who fought for and got slavery abolished. EVERY major university that was found before 1900 was founded by christians and was for the advancement of christianity. Most, not all, of the founding fathers were christian. The democratic party used to be a party of the faithful, now the faithful have turned to the republicans because the democrats turned so far away from faith.

Chris, you know I like you, but in all honesty, that was the most uneducated, ill-informed rant I have ever heard. Your smarter than that.

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now Ive heard it all. Show me in the constitution where it says 'separation of church and state.' Have you even read the constitution?

Does that mean its ok to appoint anti christian or anti religious bigots to the supreme court?

The supreme court justices who made up the right in the constitution to abortion, do you think they were defending the rights of those unborn citizens to their pursuit of happiness?

It was Christians who fought for and got slavery abolished. EVERY major university that was found before 1900 was founded by Christians and was for the advancement of Christianity. Most, not all, of the founding fathers were christian. The democratic party used to be a party of the faithful, now the faithful have turned to the republicans because the democrats turned so far away from faith.

Chris, you know I like you, but in all honesty, that was the most uneducated, ill-informed rant I have ever heard. Your smarter than that.

Read all about it here In Wikipedia Separation of church and state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then read old Tom Jefferson and the First Amendment, and the founding of Rhode Island.

I will come back to this thread, and post relevant excerpts for those not wishing to go through all the Wikipedia data.

Ok, I am back, read this:

[edit] Overview of the principle

In the United States, the "Separation of Church and State" is generally discussed as political and legal principle derived from the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . ." The concept of separation is commonly credited to the combination of the two clauses: the establishment clause, generally interpreted as preventing the government from establishing a national religion, providing tax money in support of religion, or otherwise favoring any single religion or religion generally, and the free exercise clause, ensuring that private religious practices not be restricted by the government. The effect of prohibiting direct connections between religious and governmental institutions while protecting private religious freedom and autonomy has been termed the "separation of church and state."

Now, see what I mean ?

Jeb Bush here in Florida used TAX money to support private, RELIGIOUS Schools.

That was "Pay Back" for all the votes delivered to the Republican Party by Preachers brainwashing their congregations into believing the Republican Party was the "party of morality", LOL

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It was Christians who fought for and got slavery abolished. EVERY major university that was found before 1900 was founded by Christians and was for the advancement of Christianity. Most, not all, of the founding fathers were christian. The democratic party used to be a party of the faithful, now the faithful have turned to the republicans because the democrats turned so far away from faith.

Chris, you know I like you, but in all honesty, that was the most uneducated, ill-informed rant I have ever heard. Your smarter than that.

Jon, with all due respect, we were NOT there, so we only know what we have read.

Rush Limbaugh SAID "lock all the drug users up, throw away the key" UNTIL he got caught doing the Codeine, LOL

Besides, Ben Franklin was NOT a Christian, he was a Rosicrucian.

The Christians are NOT "Lilly White", remember the Crusades ?

They KILLED millions of Jews and Arabs in the name of Christ!

Many of the early plantation owners were CHRISTIANS. Christianity and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many Christians STARTED the Slave Trade, it was the least they could do to end it ?

I am not anti christian, and believe all should have the right to worship/not worship as they choose.

As a matter of fact, it can be argued many Africans and Chinese built this country as well, and THEY are not Christians, unless brainwashed to be.

Christians have no more "right" to this country then anyone else.

It say "Freedom and Justice for ALL"

That ALL would include Gays, Muslims, Jews, Hindu's. Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, Lesbians, Gypsy's, etc, etc, etc.

It does NOT say "Freedom and Justice for Christians ONLY"

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