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One Call Power Wash

Check This Out ........



How ironic is this??!! They don't even believe in Christ and they're getting their own Christmas stamp, but don't dream of posting the ten commandments on federal property?

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military barracks in Saudi Arabia!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001!

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the

EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class holiday postage stamp.

REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp when purchasing your stamps at the post office. To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic AMERICAN you know.

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Whoah! I never said anything about hating the Jewish religion...and nothing could be further from the truth! My own religion find its roots in Judaism. My point was that I DON'T hate Jews, despite the actions of a few. Just as I don't hate Muslims based on the actions of a few. I don't hate Christians based on the actions of a few. To do this would be to have a terribly narrowminded and uneducated way of looking at things.

I do my best not to hate anyone, though I've failed in that a couple times in my life, and I've been able to overcome those sentiments in time.

What did I say that led you to believe that I hate Jews or Judaism?

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I don't hate Jews because of that (It was, afterall, God's plan that Christ be crucified).

Oneness that above, and how I read it and we all know I tend to misread things at times. It was like an unfinished sentence, the part that says "I don't hate Jews because of that" so I assumed you stopped before saying anything more that might get edited out.

Paul B. Those that were Jewish and became Christians have a name for them, I am not sure what it is but have seen people wearing a Cross with the Star of David in the middle of it.

We have a church here that way so I suppose I could go ask if I wanted to know bad enough.

I would still disagree with there being a Jewish race, do you mean those that are born in Isreal? if so there is a word for them, again not sure what it is right now but suppose I could find out.

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Jews that have converted to christianity are called Coptic Christians.

You took the statement "I don't hate Jews because of that," out of contex, looking for somethign inflammatory. It wasn't there.

Judas was Jewish at one time, but one could make the point that since he was one of Christ's apostles, that he had converted to Christianity. It should be noted, that it was part of God's plan that someone should betray Christ so that he could be crucified. Judas just pulled the short straw.

The Roman Centurion could not have been Jewish. They all were supposed to be Pagan's. It wasn't until the Nicean conference that Christianity became the accpeted religion of Italy, and thus Europe. Constantinople used Christianity so that he could gain control of the world. Jewish people were mostly confined to the middle east at the time, but shortly before and after the crucifixion they started to spread throughout Europe.

There are some that believe that the common interpretations of the Bible are mistaken concerning the life of Christ. ( I will not give my opinion on this subject) The Bible says that Joseph was a carpenter, yet the Hebrew version more closely translates that he was an architect. (meaning that Christ was not the earthly child of a humble Carpenter, but of someone that was Wealthy.) It is also thought that he was the Nephew of Joseph of Arimethea, who happened to own a fleet of ships and was the second wealthiest person in the world, at the time. From this many surmise that before Jesus started his earthly ministry, that he had traveled the world, and created Jewish settlements throughout the world.

The Pharisees and Saducees (both Jewish sects, The pharisees, were letter of the law people, and the Sadducees were the law, or governement employees) both cried out for Christ to be crucified when they were asked by Pontius Pilot, who was the Roman Governor. He was quited as saying that he would wash his hands of the act, and let them do what they wanted with Jesus. There were also other Jewish sects at the time, just like there is a multitude of Christian religions, now.

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You are correct - Jewish is not a race but could be a regionality.

It is difficult because many books and many Jews can't tell you and many think they are a race.

Judaism being the religion of Israel (or the Jewish religion); The area of Judaea which was governed by Pontius Pilate (no longer exists); Judah, the kingdom in the southern part of ancient Palestine formed by the two tribes (Judah & Benjamin) that broke with the other 10 tribes (12 tribes of Israelites); Judean - which can refer to the people of Judeae or refer to Jewish people of Jewish religion...


My understanding is that Christian Jews are referred to as Messianic Jews.

Coptic refers to Egyptian Christians:

The word Copt is derived from the Greek word Aigyptos, which was, in turn, derived from "Hikaptah", one of the names for Memphis, the first capital of Ancient Egypt (Copt can refer to a native of Egypt - descendants of the ancient inhabitants). The modern use of the term "Coptic" describes Egyptian Christians, as well as the last stage of the ancient Egyptian language script. Also, it describes the distinctive art and architecture that developed as an early expression of the new faith.

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Absolutely correct, and there's no problems with disagreements. If we all agreed, life would be pretty boring. The trouble happens when people can't deal with those disagreements without resorting to personal attacks. That often comes from a feeling of insecurity in one's own beliefs. Mature adults ought to be able to discuss these things without personal attacks or fits of anger. This discussion and the other about religion are a testimony to the maturity and intelligence of the folks on this board. Sure, a couple of people have gotten a little upset, but I haven't seen anything way out of line.

Discussion is very often how we learn things, and how we share things we know and/or believe with others.

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No problem, I can see how that could be taken the other way. No harm done!!!


I agree, and have always heard the term "Messianic Jews" used to refer to Christian Jews. Thanks for the info on the word "Coptic". I'm always learning something here!

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One Call, you need to be able to take as well as give and not be so quick to run away from things.

No one asked you to stop posting here and your welcome to stay.

There are only two super great boards around and this is one of them.

Besides most of us here go to PWNA board also so you won't be rid of us.

The word Aryan to most people is a racist hate group and I believe you know that, it can creat problems for others.

Billy bean I must admit I have no idea what it refers to and if it is degoratory would not want to know online but by Email only.

Running off shows you feel guilty or are guilty of saying things not allowed here or on most boards.

If you have not read the rules for this board please do so then come back and post and enjoy the people here.

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FYI everyone,

This thread also appeared on another BB, and has taken a turn for the worse.It has lead to personal attacks on at least 1 guy that I know posts here.

The Admin. and Mods. of this board are to be commended for keeping this thread ongoing in a professional manner.

It's a shame that some folks can not agree to disagree without getting personal.


To the guy that was attacked on the other BB(you know who you are),I read nothing in your postings that should have lead to the attacks that you recieved.I feel you handled yourself extremely well,and you show an enourmous amount of class in your responses to those individuals who lashed out at you.

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I am so embarassed:o I knew that, but was just flying by the seat of my pants on that one. I was being silly.

One other mistake on the very first post, which is really a moot point now, is that The Moslems do believe in Jesus, but they only accept him as a great prophet, the greatest behind Mohammed, and not the savior of the world.


Scott Stone

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Hi Gordon,

I'm sorry to hear you disagree and don't want to edit your post. We're going to leave it for now, and even though you aren't coming back to read this (hey I can email it to you) I want you to understand why we take the position we do.

Over the past several years there have been a number of BBS's out there that have been very good and contained alot of helpful info. Our BBS is by no means the first, or even the best, but it is one thing that some of the others are not, and that is professional in content. See, on some boards anyone can go and post and can make comments that can be very hurtful, evem though they might seem innocent. These comments might be about race, religion, nationality, or simply name calling. Many of us as children grew up bullied and called names. As adults we discontinue this behavior and embrace logic, listening, and reational thinking as a means of being peaceful people.

Do we have a low tolerance here where cutting loose is concerned? In some ways yes. We encourage others to learn and grow, and be professional and respectful. Now with regards to the US Constitution, freedom of speech is one of our most dear and valued freedoms. However, our founding fathers acted a bit differently that we did, were far more formal and conservative, and did not in all likelihood envision what society in this century would be like. Look at the way they lived and how they addressed one another, with maturity and respect, and you'll see what I mean. Even battles were fought with a certain polite sense of order if you look back to how soldier used to march.

Isn't the reason you came here and began posting because you felt this was a place for professionals to come? Maybe we are too tough. Maybe we hold the bar too high. But maybe we do this so that others have a place aim for. We aren't perfect around here, but we are all trying to be better professionals and people.

Gordon, we hope you'll come back and if or when you do you'll be just as welcome here as you were the first time you posted.

Our best,

Beth & Rod

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