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Dave O



Nothing irritates me more than when in a time of need, after the hurricane has left it's mark. That when people are scared, hungry, tired, no water to drink, or food, living on a roof in still crappy weather, wondering if they willl be found on said roof or in a car floating around, no where to use the bathroom, no warmth at night, no clean clothes, bath, electric, sewage filled streets, mosquitoes, giving up in most cases on life, have lost everything and maybe no money to even start over, have lost a loved one who was swept away, mssing loved ones in another state, and loved ones missing them dearly, with no contact available, that they have to deal with the looters.

I hope everyone that has a loved one missing may soon be able to hold them and comfort each other with hugs and kisses, or just to know that they are allright. Even our fellow powerwashers.

I hope the police and military shoot first and don't ask questions later for any looter no matter what. These band of idiots who are stealing guns from the stores and shooting them, even the one that shot that officer in the head I hope you are found and , well you know what. Jails flooded sorry you gotta go.

Stealing jewerly and tv's and other items. Come on what are they going to do with this? Try to take it to the pawn shop or plug it in. Oh wait that's right no power, dumb%#$. For the police and millitary to have to stop search and rescue to deal with these band on inconsiderate idiots. That's uncalled for in my book.

I understand taking food and water from a grocery store for your family and neighbors, but leave some for the others. I do not consider this looting just borrowing to survive. Who knows when they will be saved, or who needs medicine for themselves or the neighbors child who is sick.

My prayers are with everyone who is scared, hungry, thirsty, and worn out.

My evil thoughts are with the ones who are causing problems, and will be painted with that scope.

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thats a pretty uneducated blog. and i wont use the term racist to describe it, but if you are familiar with the racial demographics of new orleans you can infer what the author is implying. the one thing he says about inmates being let loose in the streets is bs. i realize, however, that alot of nonsense has been going on out there.

How do you know it's BS? I think that most of us really don't have a good grasp on many of the things that happened out there in the past week. I too heard the stories of inmates being released from jails and essentially let go. Whether that's true, I don't know. It sure doesn't make sense for officials to have done that, but there are a lot of things that have happened that don't seem to make a lot of sense. Maybe you've got some better or more reliable information than the rest of us? I'm not going to assume it's true just because some radio talk show host said so, but I'm not going to assume it isn't just because someone else says it's BS.

and the superdome, where they were supposed to go, wasnt prepared to accomodate them. people can point the finger to whomever they like in this situation. there were faults from the citizens of n.o., all the way to the president. but the bottom line is people are suffering and dying, and help shouldnt have taken as long as it did to arrive.

I agree, it seems that things could have been done better. Whether that's the case remains to be shown. I wasn't there, and neither were you. All we know is what we've heard. Why did it take so long to get people out of the superdome? No idea. Why did it take so long to get supplies in? Again, no idea. Why were there people raping and murdering and beating others in the superdome and elsewhere? Because they could. Put 10,000 or so middle working class families in the superdome for days with no food, water, or power, and I doubt you'd see the same thing. Let a disaster like this strike a place like Pensacola (as it did last year with Ivan), and I doubt you'd have scumbags shooting at those trying to provide assistance. That says a lot about the type of people who were left in N.O. How many rescuers were shot at in Biloxi? Gulfport?

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Inmates were let loose. Seen them lined up on the TV and then bybye

yes they were..... we have 2 of our 4 teams down there now, talked to them today, they are running from Baton Rouge to N.O. providing security to the relief supplies being shipped in......many trucks were hijacked by armed gunmen prior (dont see that on the news)...... they are going to split them up as some of them are needed to clear the downtown hotels and office buildings that are being held by other armed suspects.....and what they are calling "squatters" (people just "in there")

They were all sworn in as LA State Troopers the day they arrived so they could enforce LA laws.....

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How do you know it's BS? I think that most of us really don't have a good grasp on many of the things that happened out there in the past week. I too heard the stories of inmates being released from jails and essentially let go. Whether that's true, I don't know. It sure doesn't make sense for officials to have done that, but there are a lot of things that have happened that don't seem to make a lot of sense. Maybe you've got some better or more reliable information than the rest of us? I'm not going to assume it's true just because some radio talk show host said so, but I'm not going to assume it isn't just because someone else says it's BS.

I agree, it seems that things could have been done better. Whether that's the case remains to be shown. I wasn't there, and neither were you. All we know is what we've heard. Why did it take so long to get people out of the superdome? No idea. Why did it take so long to get supplies in? Again, no idea. Why were there people raping and murdering and beating others in the superdome and elsewhere? Because they could. Put 10,000 or so middle working class families in the superdome for days with no food, water, or power, and I doubt you'd see the same thing. Let a disaster like this strike a place like Pensacola (as it did last year with Ivan), and I doubt you'd have scumbags shooting at those trying to provide assistance. That says a lot about the type of people who were left in N.O. How many rescuers were shot at in Biloxi? Gulfport?

look man, all i am trying to do is tell people there are two sides of a coin. i'm not pointing a finger in blame to any party in particular. if you re-read this topic the only point of view was screw em they should all be shot. all i am trying to do is say is that allthough there were barbaric acts commited, that it doesnt represent a majority. the other thing i said is that the conditions of living are less than human.

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There are two sides to every issues. Then there is the saying about walking a mile in another man's shoes...

This is a heated topic. This is also a reminder to remain professional and respectful of others opinions. Not saying anyone is over the edge - yet. But I can see the tension mounting. Let's keep it cool all....

Beth :cup:

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look man, all i am trying to do is tell people there are two sides of a coin. i'm not pointing a finger in blame to any party in particular. if you re-read this topic the only point of view was screw em they should all be shot. all i am trying to do is say is that allthough there were barbaric acts commited, that it doesnt represent a majority. the other thing i said is that the conditions of living are less than human.

I haven't seen anyone say "screw 'em, they should all be shot" in reference to all those who are refugees in N.O. I have seen a very similar sentiment about those who are raping, beating, murdering, etc. Shoot 'em. I agree with that. If someone is that much a scumbag to shoot at rescuers, shoot 'em. If someone is enough of a scumbag to rape and murder a young girl in the bathroom in the superdome, shoot 'em (I believe the crowd took care of the problem). Other than that, I don't believe anyone has said, or feels, that we should just shoot everyone in N.O., or leave them there, or whatever.

Whether the living conditions are less than human or not is no excuse to go on a rampage against others.

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I'm sure to get blasted by all the Liberals for this but here goes:

First off they are not refugees, N.O. is the first time people have been referred to this way in this country. When Andrew blew away all of South Fl in 1992 it was a Cat 4 it flattened Homestead and all surrounding areas, it took days before major help could get in and these folks were not considered refugees. Neither did they take up arms and shoot at the rescurers. I'm not compairing these two killer storms both were Cat 4's. I agree with the N.O. policeman who said he wanted to shoot em and put a toe tag on that read "LOOTER" enough said........... But not refugees, storm victims, evacuees, pick a term to describe the 99% who are had to leave their homes. For the other 1% I call them what they are, scum, thieves, robbers, looters, rapest, again pick a term, some will have more than one. I don't care if they had a bad childhood, they were abused as a child, I also don't care what color they are. They are scum and deserve no less than to be treated with the same consideration they give to others.

Ok Now I'll get off my step.:soapbox:

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dont recall making excuses for people to rape or murder or shoot at rescue personel. if i did, oh well. couldnt agree more about stopping those type of crimes by whichever means deemed necessary. most of the responses to what i posted argue points that i wasnt trying to make. oh well. i no where tried to justify violent acts being poypuhtrated. i use shur flo and chlorine.

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The word isn't exactly the best choice in my opinion either. I feel very badly for those who are displaced from their homes and have lost so much, but as I understand it these folks had days (plural) of notice and plenty of urging to leave. That's hard to ignore too. It's really hard to wrap my mind around leaving yourself in harm's way, and their children or other loved ones in harms way. Personally I would have beat feet out of N.O.

I would like to see areas that are frequently victims of hurricanes do things like take all public transportation and school buses and take them into the area of the city where folks migh be less able to leave, for not having transportation of their own, and get them out. (of course not all are willing to go and refuse the help)

The looters - well, stealing is wrong. (Though Shall Not Steal) I can understand the food and water and medicine, but I have no compassion for looters taking TV's, jewelry, and other things they are trying to create an income with. (yes, they sell and trade them)

One entry found for refugee.


Main Entry: ref·u·gee

Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"

Function: noun

Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium

: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution

- ref·u·gee·ism /-"i-z&m/ noun


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Im going to get beat up on this...... but, I'd like to know from others that have been there too, as you can imagine, during the past 2 weeks of swat training with about 45 guys, we've been talking about this a lot (since many of our friends and co-workers are down there now) and one good friend of mine was shot at yesterday....no return fire as they were travelling on an air boat and didnt know where the shot came from, but back to my point/question, now, Im sure they will rebuild N.O. and maybe they should as its a very important sea port and the history, blah, blah, blah....but that city is (was) an absolute DUMP, I'd use the term we've used the most, which is ****hole......but there are many that have been there and some live somewhat near there....what do you all think?

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Im going to get beat up on this...... but, I'd like to know from others that have been there too, as you can imagine, during the past 2 weeks of swat training with about 45 guys, we've been talking about this a lot (since many of our friends and co-workers are down there now) and one good friend of mine was shot at yesterday....no return fire as they were travelling on an air boat and didnt know where the shot came from, but back to my point/question, now, Im sure they will rebuild N.O. and maybe they should as its a very important sea port and the history, blah, blah, blah....but that city is (was) an absolute DUMP, I'd use the term we've used the most, which is ****hole......but there are many that have been there and some live somewhat near there....what do you all think?

I've partied there three times, and think it is great place. The historical history of the city alone is reason enough as far as I'm cocerned. Shitwhole? well maybe, but places like N.O. amongst others, is what makes America such a great place "Variety". Devils Den? let the bible thumpers worry themselves about that. Don't forget, it's not going to be quite the shitwhole when they rebuild, and I'm sure the levee system is going to be one of the first things they'll improve upon.

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Don't forget, it's not going to be quite the shitwhole when they rebuild,

If the same people move back in after they rebuild, it will become a ****hole again pretty quick. Ever drive through one of those new "low-income" housing projects they build, a year or two after everyone moves in? They're typically ****holes.

In my opinion, if they rebuild it and those same folks move back in, they'd better not ask for help again if a cat5 hits there again.

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If the same people move back in after they rebuild, it will become a ****hole again pretty quick. Ever drive through one of those new "low-income" housing projects they build, a year or two after everyone moves in? They're typically ****holes.

In my opinion, if they rebuild it and those same folks move back in, they'd better not ask for help again if a cat5 hits there again.

You got a point there. When I used to be a locksmith, we did the master key system for a housing project in the downtown area of Jacksonville, and as they were finishing the last part of the project, the first part allready looked as if it had been there for 20 years.

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On the other hand, don't you think that now that all of these people have lost EVERYTHING that they have, maybe they'll have a new respect for their homes and families? It's sure make me look at my corner of the world in a different light - you cherish and enjoy every minute all that you have - with one wave, it can all be gone.


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Celeste you work for and value what you have. If a new project is built and they are just given homes, the odds are they will not respect or maintain it. Everyone that will be given low income housing should particiapte in it's building (a la Habitat for Humanity) Then the majority will be less likely to abuse it.

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Not all Habitat homeowners take care of the place they get.There have been a few in our area that have burned their own homes to collect on insurance.One was shut down because they were using it for a Meth lab.

I have worked on about a dozen Habitat homes(building cabinets,framing walls)and the only time the future homeowner ever showed their face was to get the keys.The time they are supposed to put in doesn't have to be on their home and it isn't always the sweat equity they talk about.

Habitat's headquarters is about 45 minutes north of us.Now that the Fuller's are no longer with them I don't know what the future holds for that Org.

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don't you think that now that all of these people have lost EVERYTHING that they have, maybe they'll have a new respect for their homes and families?


Nope, Nada, Not a chance......Doesnt work that way. They will take no pride in themselves, so why would they take pride or even respect anything around them (especially everything thats given free to them from all levels of government).....Rats live in squaller and they like it that way.

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What we gonna do? How we gonna feed our 12 kids

My answer to this will bring on a few who totally disagree with it but so be it.

As far back as I can remember I have said any more then 2 kids fix both of them so they can do their thing and not make more babies to sponge off the working people with.

I stand by that remark today. If people with their hands out saying YOU OWE ME have more then two kids then cut them off all the freebie's, take the kids away so that they learn to accept everyone regardless of color or religion. Predjudice begins at home when parents say you cannot play with so and so, no other reason need be said, the little kids will soon enough get the idea the Black, Mexican, Asian is a bad person.

I think a lot of it started about the time they decided you couldn't spank your kids or stifle their individualism. Bring back corporal punishment and they'll start turning out to be decent citizens like us...well most of us anyway.

The above quote is 100% right, I spanked my kids when bad, if they talked back a bar of soap was put in their mouth, if they played with the food they stood in the corner while we ate, if they did not eat their meal it was saved and served to them as the next meal. Remy and I did something right as neither ever got in trobule with the law, both have good jobs and show respect to others.

Those that steal in times of like this need no toe tag, in fact once they are shot, and they should be feed them to the animals and what is left just bulldoze into the marsh.

Whenever government starts dictating how we MUST bring up our family, telling us what we MUST do and when we MUST do it is when we stated losing our FREEDOM and it is going to get worst, much worst if they ever take our guns away, remember your history that made this the USA.

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On the other hand, don't you think that now that all of these people have lost EVERYTHING that they have, maybe they'll have a new respect for their homes and families? It's sure make me look at my corner of the world in a different light - you cherish and enjoy every minute all that you have - with one wave, it can all be gone.


Nope, because they haven't lost "everything". They've lost the few crappy things they had, and they'll just get more with the coming government handouts. You can't imagine the number of apartments we used to encounter (in my prior life in low income property management) where the people just moved out, leaving their funiture, many belongings, etc. It meant nothing to them, and if you gave them all new stuff, it would be crap in a pretty short time.

You can't compare yourself to them, you already had an appreciation for what you had, because YOU worked for it. YOU sacrificed time and sweat to get what you have, and seeing others lose what they have gives you an appreciation for what you have.

I'm not saying everyone on assistance is this way, or that every poor person doesn't appreciate what little they have....but it is certainly a very common trait among the poor, and much of the reason they are, and remain, poor.

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When we had flooding from Dennis here a fews months ago,It affected about 100 low income homes.Most of the occupants gutted their houses before they ever knew if they were going to get some kind of assistance from the local,state or federal goverments.They figured they were all going to draw a big fat check.

They threw out things that never got wet.Bedding,mirrirs,pictures,ceiling fans etc.Then to the dismay of most,since they were renters with no insurance they received about $1000 from the government agencies.Not nearly the value of the things they threw away that weren't damaged by the flood waters.

They also received help from the Red Cross in the way of food,water and cleaning supplies and complained when they shut down the aid center after 2 weeks.

I'm with Mike,some not all,low income people feel they are supposed to be supported by the system.In Ga. there can no longer be lifers on assistance,they have 3 yrs to get an education(paid for by the state if they choose) or find a job.After 3 yrs they can no longer draw benefits.

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Hot dang, Georgia finally did what California should do, but why 3 years? I suppose I could say if your here illegally you get NOTHING from the minute you apply other then a one way ticket back across the border.

True Mike, not all are free loaders, there are those that truly are in need and not milking the system but those people tend to try and climb out of it, some really do make a better life IF only someone, some employer gives them a chance and works with them to learn.

Remember this, they are not stupid or they would not know how to work the system.

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Hot dang, Georgia finally did what California should do, but why 3 years? I suppose I could say if your here illegally you get NOTHING from the minute you apply other then a one way ticket back across the border.

Good luck on seeing that happen in Cali., way to liberal.

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.In Ga. there can no longer be lifers on assistance,they have 3 yrs to get an education(paid for by the state if they choose) or find a job.After 3 yrs they can no longer draw benefits.

then they move to Chicago... :)

one of the real problems is that it has become a way of life for a lot of them. It has to change for the next and following generations. Our kids see us work hard, sometimes at 2 or more jobs, both parents working etc....a lot of these kids (no fault of their own) see entire extended families scamming the system, selling dope, doing nothing to better themselves or their situations, it just becomes the way it is....there are exceptions, some kids grow up thinking, "this really blows" and they go out and get an education and a career and I respect those folks.

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