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UAMCC National Convention

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Please mark your calendars and DO plan to attend on

October 23rd through October 25th

The United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners is pleased to announce that the ***** Assoc. will hold it's first annual convention in Orlando FL on Oct 23-25. The ***** convention will be one like no others in the past. As an attendee you can expect to learn, relax, network and have fun all at the same time. So leave your rigs at home and pack up the family to attend the 1st Annual ***** gathering of pressure washing professionals! Our speakers include a nationally recognized expert from the direct marketing field to an abundant of sprecialized experts that will provide training sessions during the convention. Our focus will be on ONE thing ~ YOUR BUSINESS!

  • Sales techniques and teaching to close the deal

  • List rental "Do's and Don'ts"

  • You have a website....Now what?

  • Cross selling and Up selling to your Customer?

  • Customer Loyalty

  • Are you ready to expand?

  • Do you own your business or does it own you?

  • ....and much much more.

The Marriott Convention Hall will be the site where you and your colleagues will speak one-on-one with the folks that supply you with the "stuff" that you need to be in this business. The ***** has secured with the Marriott so that 30 exhibitors can and will showcase the newest and latest products, gadgets and equipment in the pressure washing industry. ALL ***** Supplier Members will be on hand along with other industry related companies to outfit you with everything that you need!

4 seperate break out rooms will offer all convention attendees the ability to pick and choose which presentation he/she wishes to attend. Whether it be website develoment or wanting to know if it is time to hire more employees....YOU can get it all in ORLANDO at the ***** Convention!

This convention will be like no other convention EVER. October is the perfect time to plan a family vacation in Orlando and it is also the perfect time to get equipped for the 2010 power washing season!

The industry has asked so much from you over the years....It's time the INDUSTRY gives back!

As a individual in the pressure washing industry YOU will experience cutting edge strategies that will work for your busines. Taught by the experts with proven models of success!! It's time to dig into your business once and for all and erase those questions you have asked yourself for many years!! Candid and realistic advice will be on the AGENDA in Orlando!!

  • Awards ceremony
  • Social hours

  • Entertainment

  • Free website build giveaways

  • Power Training Sessions

  • Networking

  • Exhibits

  • Tours

  • ...and relaxation!

October 23rd thru the 25th is a MUST attend date ~ Orlando is the place.

Alliance Planners, Inc. (API) is *****'s official convention planner. API has secured a nightly room rate of $119.00 per night for ALL attendess. With 17 restaraunts and sports bars spread over the 200 acre

Marriott Site ~ this is the perfect venue for EVERYONE in the pressure washing industry

API is currently arranging tour packages with the Orlando Convention Bureau for your touring pleasure. No time for a little vacation? Sure you do. Your ***** convention room rate starts on Oct.21st. Come down a day or two early to spend time at Disneyland with your family.

The ***** Convention Committee is establishing the cost to attend the actual convention. We will announce this as soon as we ensure that all expenses for the convetion have been considered and finalized. We have menus to choose from and many other considerations but you can rest assured that the cost to the ***** convention will be kept at a minimum!

The Marriott will be providing a ***** reservation code next week. When we receive that we will begin taking registrations....STAY TUNED for more UPDATES!!!!



Edited by newlook

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Pressure Washing Industry,

Here is the bio of one of the many keynote speakers that the ***** will have at this years ***** National Convention located in Orlando, FL in Oct.

Bill McKay is top notch in the direct marketing field and the ***** is pleased to announce that he will be in attendance at the convention as one of the key note speakers.

Mckay Bio.doc

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  Beth n Rod said:

Please do not copy/paste images into posts, please post it as an attachment instead. It isn't good for database performance. Thank you.


A PM would have sufficed there Beth and I would have been more than willing to make the change.

Nevertheless it is not a problem as I see you took the liberty to remove the post card!

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Thanks for your understanding. Sorry the message was not delivered to your liking, but to be honest I didn't think it would be a problem.

Have a great evening. :)


p.s. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/gadgets-gizmos-pc-help/3866-basic-how-tos-bbs.html#post33969 There used to be a video on this as well, but Mike K. seems to have taken it off his you tube channel.

Edited by Beth n Rod
added PS

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Folks, its busy often. Plan your schedules to be at this . This is going to be a great event, I promise. The team is working on some special stuff. It will be exciting and benificial to all contractors that attend. Its going to be killer

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  Jeff said:
Folks, its busy often. Plan your schedules to be at this . This is going to be a great event, I promise. The team is working on some special stuff. It will be exciting and benificial to all contractors that attend. Its going to be killer


We have an annual even that same time every year we will not miss.



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  Beth n Rod said:

We have an annual even that same time every year we will not miss.



Dont tell me its your annual danceathon that time a year. Hope you can make it. The ***** Members and other attendees I am sure would like to see you two

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  Jeff said:
Dont tell me its your annual danceathon that time a year. Hope you can make it. The ***** Members and other attendees I am sure would like to see you two

No - it's business. But the likelihood of us deciding to miss it, is slim. It's tempting, but......


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Unless I get shot and Killed or have to go Kill someone me and Kathy will be there. I don't plan on any of the above two things to happen so its Fun in the Sun with the *****:)

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  Beth n Rod said:
No - it's business. But the likelihood of us deciding to miss it, is slim. It's tempting, but......


To bad. As you are an industry leader, I just know many would like to meet you, I know you dont get to many of the RT's, other than ACR. I was just hoping you guys could make it to the convention.

Business is business. I know I thought I had another convention to go to on the same date as the ***** convention. I almost died until I found out it was a week before the ***** event. Cool for me

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We are asking for a minimum of 5 volunteers

to assist the ***** down in Orlando

during the ***** Convention!!

You will be assisting the ***** in many ways

such as Event Registrations, On-site Activities

and Off-site Activities.

Please let us know if you interested in

assisting to make the ***** Convention

a one of a kind event!!

Thank you in advance for helping!

ohh..for those that do volunteer the ***** will make your stay at the Marriott a most enjoyable one!!

(that would be a "hint") yes.gif

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  newlook said:

We are asking for a minimum of 5 volunteers

to assist the ***** down in Orlando

during the ***** Convention!!

You will be assisting the ***** in many ways

such as Event Registrations, On-site Activities

and Off-site Activities.

Please let us know if you interested in

assisting to make the ***** Convention

a one of a kind event!!

Thank you in advance for helping!

ohh..for those that do volunteer the ***** will make your stay at the Marriott a most enjoyable one!!

(that would be a "hint") yes.gif

Interested ...Call me

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I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the ***** Convention.

Several of us on the Convention Committee have been working on many things over the past weeks and it's coming together nicely.

Many of the vendor booths have already been booked as well as hotel rooms.

Contractor members and non-contractor members alike are encouraged to register as soon as possible to reserve your rooms and make all of your family plans for a great convention and vacation time in Orlando.

As most of you know, the keynote speaker has been booked and we're working on firming up all breakout room speakers as well.

I hope to see everyone here in Orlando in October!


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