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Pretty bird.

Yeah he sure is a pretty bird Russ my guess is a some kind of hawk.....like the chicken hawk trying to eat Ole foghorn leghorn on the Loony Toons..:lol:

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Let me tell you a story about me and a hawk

When I used to be a steel painter we had to wire brush these 2 metal grates on the side of a smoke stack. It was 350 feet high. Well we rigged a bosons(sp) chair on the outside of the stack, The grates were about 40 ft down from the top. Now I had walked steel 200 ft high, been on swing staging 40 stories up, but had never been in a chair this high before, I was scared, couldnt tell anybody I was but I was. So I figure no big deal just go over the side get in the chair and do the job, thats what I did.

Well I wasnt in the chair 2 minutes and my guy above was telling me to look up, This damn huge hawk was circleing about 25 feet away and swooping even closer. He didnt want me there you could tell I saw it in his eyes, Really!!!!well I hurried up the wire brushing and started up. This damn bird kept swooping over my head and I really couldnt go up with out fear of it coming at me. It may never of attacked me but I wasnt sure. So here I am 300+ ft up on a rope chair. We yelled at it my partner threw things towards it etc etc. My partner finally called on the radio to our boss. Well this was a trash to energy plant. They brought some rockets over that they use to chase away seagulls and shot them up my way, So now here I am a hawk that hates me and now their shooting rockets at me. OH FUN, well it worked

I got up quick and then we took the ladder down the inside of the stack 350 I get o the ground my boss and a few other were laughing their ****** off. I just gave them the finger and went on a break

I love bird of prey, except when Im the prey

Got to love the construction trades anything can happen


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Let me tell you a story about me and a hawk

When I used to be a steel painter we had to wire brush these 2 metal grates on the side of a smoke stack. It was 350 feet high. Well we rigged a bosons(sp) chair on the outside of the stack, The grates were about 40 ft down from the top. Now I had walked steel 200 ft high, been on swing staging 40 stories up, but had never been in a chair this high before, I was scared, couldnt tell anybody I was but I was. So I figure no big deal just go over the side get in the chair and do the job, thats what I did.

Well I wasnt in the chair 2 minutes and my guy above was telling me to look up, This damn huge hawk was circleing about 25 feet away and swooping even closer. He didnt want me there you could tell I saw it in his eyes, Really!!!!well I hurried up the wire brushing and started up. This damn bird kept swooping over my head and I really couldnt go up with out fear of it coming at me. It may never of attacked me but I wasnt sure. So here I am 300+ ft up on a rope chair. We yelled at it my partner threw things towards it etc etc. My partner finally called on the radio to our boss. Well this was a trash to energy plant. They brought some rockets over that they use to chase away seagulls and shot them up my way, So now here I am a hawk that hates me and now their shooting rockets at me. OH FUN, well it worked

I got up quick and then we took the ladder down the inside of the stack 350 I get o the ground my boss and a few other were laughing their ****** off. I just gave them the finger and went on a break

I love bird of prey, except when Im the prey

Got to love the construction trades anything can happen


Too funny Jeff....:lolsign:

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Freakin rats, I have a friend that I wash with and I do the back of the place and the dumpster, because he hates the rats. You pull the dumpster out and they just come out from everywhere as they run for the storm drain. I always thought no biggy, and kinda laughed that he was so bothered by them.

Well. I have done this place several times with him, and this past Thursday he was unable to go, so I did the place myself. I usually shine my 10 Million candlepower spotlight and they take off, then a couple kicks on the dumpster and they are gone. I decided to use my flashlight this time, which is fairly bright, but apparently not bright enough.

I did the usual shine the light, kick the doors, open the doors and started to pull the dumpsters out. A few slow ones were still coming out, so I backed off and waited till they ran off, but as I went back to grab on, one jumped out on my arm, and as I swung at him with the Stream Light, another leaped off the dumpster onto my pant leg.

They both ran off and went wherever, as I stood there cussing up a storm. No harm done, but it was a real shocker as I do not like rats very much, but never had them come my way before. They now have a new respect from me.

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When I worked in the cabinet building business we were installing new cabinets in an addition to an existing school in Sanford,Fl.They ordered new cabinets for a lower level of the old bulding.When were about to go down the stair the janitor flip on the lights and the entire floor(20x20 room) was moving,covered from wall to wall(thousands of them) in large warf rats. It looked like they had laid brown carpet that was alive.No,the cabinets didn't get installed,at least not by us.The janitor told us on the weekends they would shoot them with a shotgun and remove them but,by monday morning it was rat infested again.I suggested they fill the room with concrete and forget it ever existed.

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The Rat Story

We used to do a lot of bridges & overpasses. I used to partner up with this guy Roland Rouge. Roland was a crazy kind of guy with 2 kids that also worked the bridges. Roland was about 50 years old 5 8" but he was solid muscle arms the size of my thighs, huge hands he was just a powerhouse. He and his sons were in & out of prison, not the smartest family in the world , but they would do anything to help a brother, they were nice guys just crazy. We worked together alot . Roland would be the muscle & I was the speed. He'd do all the heavy moving & rigging and I do 3/4's of the painting, I could really move. One day we were doing a little overpass on Rt 93 in Boston. We would work of of aluminum 24' planks/beds and we would have cables rigged from one side to the other and slide the planks as we would go and paint. Roland hopped off the plank to get in the shoes(the area at the embankment were the steel met the concrete supports) well I slid the rig to the next move so it was about 15 feet away from roland. I few minutes later I hear Roland screaming & swearing and I see him JUMP to the cable, he jumps and grabs the cable and drops about 10-15 ft down the embankment. Im yelling whats going on. He runs to his car and runs up ambankment and starts blasting away with his gun. I was like what the ----. All of a sudden you see rats everywhere. I'm going what the heck is going on, everybody comes down off their rigs and the State cop comes flying over. Well it all ended there and the cop was cool , he worked this detail with us for awhile. After we all just went back to work. I'll tell you looking back on it sometime later, I just laughed & laughed.

I have alot of Roland stories, the time he was in a lift truck driving to the next move and the lift ingaged as they were driving and tipped the truck over on an off ramp or the time we had to tell an out of state contractor/boss that he had to back off us the union guys and Roland was drooling all over the boss as he was telling him he'd kill him. Or the barroom brawl when I watched Roland & his 2 sons take on about 20 guys and win. Theres many more Roland stories. He was good to have on your side

I miss Roland he was a unique guy

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Freakin rats, I have a friend that I wash with and I do the back of the place and the dumpster, because he hates the rats. You pull the dumpster out and they just come out from everywhere as they run for the storm drain. I always thought no biggy, and kinda laughed that he was so bothered by them.

Well. I have done this place several times with him, and this past Thursday he was unable to go, so I did the place myself. I usually shine my 10 Million candlepower spotlight and they take off, then a couple kicks on the dumpster and they are gone. I decided to use my flashlight this time, which is fairly bright, but apparently not bright enough.

I did the usual shine the light, kick the doors, open the doors and started to pull the dumpsters out. A few slow ones were still coming out, so I backed off and waited till they ran off, but as I went back to grab on, one jumped out on my arm, and as I swung at him with the Stream Light, another leaped off the dumpster onto my pant leg.

They both ran off and went wherever, as I stood there cussing up a storm. No harm done, but it was a real shocker as I do not like rats very much, but never had them come my way before. They now have a new respect from me.

Man I would of died

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Wonder what Roland is up to now?

Me too, I hope he's well !!!!!! Im sure theres many more Roland stories since the last time I saw him in the 90's. I can only imagine and laugh.

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