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Apple Roof Cleaning

Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?


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I've always liked Biden, he's a strong candidate for VP. He will bring in a lot of blue collar white men voters for Obama. He has very strong background on foreign policy, we need that these days. Biden is a pretty straight shooter more honest and has some strong convictions compared to most politicians, he's a good fighter. I would like to see him as President

This post is over at *** also and it was brought up by Jon Fife that he hopes Romney is McCains running mate......This was my responce to a Romney VP>>>>>>>

Jon, its funny how everyone even many Conservative Republicans thinks Romney is Conservative, its very funny. Thats how he portraits himself for this election, but many of his stances in the past year or so where totally different from what he said or did most of his political career. He is just saying what the Conservatives want to hear

Romney was Governor of one of the most liberal states (Massachusettseek.gif ) and was very popular even with democrats and even liberal democrats, WHY? Because he was and is liberal, he started a health care plan in Mass the Conservative Republicans did not want, he was liberal with gays and on many other issues. Fact is Romney is LIBERAL wink.gif and is just like any other politician, trying to do and say anything to get elected back during the primaries. Romney went Conservative during this election cycle, because he knew or thought there was a need for a Conservative candidate and Huckabee he didn't think would do well. Listen to Huckabee about Romney, he many many times brought up about Romney be liberal, not just liberal VERY LIBERAL

So even if McCain & Romney are a team and they win it will be the most Liberal Republican President & Vice President Republican team we ever had in office.

LOL LOL Romney was Governor Of Massachusetts, enough said biggrin.gif LOL LOL Oh ya he's a real Conservative, its amazing what a makeover, some political posturing and some TV ads can make people believe LOL LOL. Jon I thought you would of seen through his BS, Hell I even like and would vote for a liberal Democrat like Romney, he's a very smart business man and at least he's not a right wing Christian

He used to support Roe Vs. Wade until about 2 years ago, I wonder why he changed his mindconfused.gif ..........Hmmmmmmmmmm......... to try to get elected

Man you conservitives can be suckered easy, just like you all thought Bush was a fiscal Conservitive, hell he's spent and wasted more money than any President Dem or Rep in history. I guess we all can be suckered pretty easy.

Romney I like, he is a very good bizman, but he didnt do it from scratch, he comes from a RICH family, he's had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, You conservitives like those guys that are spoiled little rich boys LOL . How are the Christian right going to like a Morman running the country

Edited by Jeff

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I like this ticket - Biden ain't gonna take any rag-time crap coming out of any republican's mouth - he will be force behind burying any swift-boat wannabe's from smearing Obama. Obama needs to stay above the frey - Biden will be the scrappy dog that pulverizes all the idiocy from the right.

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  Jeff said:
I've always liked Biden, he's a strong candidate for VP. He will bring in a lot of blue collar white men voters for Obama. He has very strong background on foreign policy, we need that these days. Biden is a pretty straight shooter more honest and has some strong convictions compared to most politicians, he's a good fighter. I would like to see him as President

He's not running for President. Are you hoping Obama wins? C'mon, Jeff...I know you're smarter than that...

  plainpainter said:
I like this ticket - Biden ain't gonna take any rag-time crap coming out of any republican's mouth - he will be force behind burying any swift-boat wannabe's from smearing Obama. Obama needs to stay above the frey - Biden will be the scrappy dog that pulverizes all the idiocy from the right.

You pulling for Obama doesn't surprise me.

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  Mike Williamson said:
He's not running for President. Are you hoping Obama wins? C'mon, Jeff...I know you're smarter than that...

Maybe in 8 years after Obama, Biden will be president.

Mike I actually dont like any of the choices that much, but I do like Biden, always have

Yup I will be voting for That Anti American Muslim Hussien Obama LOL:USA::USA::USA::USA::USA::wave::USA::USA::USA::USA:I just dont like how McCain has changed in the past few years, plus I just think he is to old to run our country, I want a man on top of his game, not in his declining years. Plus I think we need a drastic change from the Bush years and McCain isnt that change

Edited by Jeff

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  Apple Roof Cleaning said:
What do YOU think about THIS ticket confused.gif

It could be worse...

I am a bit worried about candidate safety this year... There are a lot of radical americans in this country likely to do something stupid.

I agree, Mcain will be eighty if elected and reelected at the end of his second term. I look forward to the first candidate debate.

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I will be voting for "none of the above". Jeff said that Romney has changed postions to say what people want to hear. I agree but so have all the others. Lets face it folks these politicians float trial balloons and conduct polls so that they can say what you want to hear to get elected. Once in office they do what they want.

I will not vote against one candidate or for the lesser of two evils. My vote will go for a third party candidate that better represents my views and what this country was meant to be when founded.

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Biden is the epitome of liberalism. He is better and smarter than us stupid regular Americans. I think it's a great ticket for another liberal loss. Can't wait.

Do you guys remember when Clinton was in office and they had Scott Ritter up testifying before congress and Biden was ripping him a new one because he (Biden) wanted to go get Saddam because he was such a threat to us? Ritter was saying things that Dems didn't want to hear. Oh, how we forget how these liberals were for the war before they were against it....hahaha...spineless idiots!!!


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right on Jeff. the american people are just scarred of the what ifs. he beat the odds. a black man for president. its about time for a change. we need someone to take control of this contry and to get some heads rolling in the white house. any one that is going promote/enforce the green act is a winner in my book. after all the big picture the earth.

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  Jeff said:

This post is over at *** also and it was brought up by Jon Fife that he hopes Romney is McCains running mate......This was my responce to a Romney VP>>>>>>>

My Girlfriend likes Mitt Romney, because he is handsome:lgbonk:






Edited by Apple Roof Cleaning

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Take away the color of his skin and the name he bears from birth and what is left?

An American. All the research into his legality as a U.S. Citizen has been verified.

I've seen much of the hype and BS emails which are based out of fear and ignorance.

I would much rather vote for someone who would be willing to end our occupation in Iraq and avoid future wars than for someone else who would definitely carry on W's legacy and further plunge this countries economy into the toilet and alienate more nations.

The countries current financial condition is the worst it has been in 27 years! All the republicans used to complain about the dems while the country was recovering from the republicans messes over the years blaming them for the (then) current state of the nation. I listened to the Rush Limbaugh radio talk show a great deal before getting fed up with the rhetoric and bashing which was not helping in the least and only furthered a negativity campaign against the only party in the last 40 years to keep the countries interests first and not go starting wars and invading other countries in their stupidity of thinking that it would "kickstart" the economy and put people back to work. All it did was shift the work to military interest groups and send more jobs overseas and put more americans out of work without developing other avenues for employment to subsidize those affected.

I remember during the Clinton years that he did the right thing and shut down the government instead of creating more debt to keep it running and draining the taxpayers dollars. His efforts help to stabilize the economy and reduce the debt significantly despite his infidelity which had nothing to do with his ability to run the nation.

Where are we now with republican rule? Two consecutive terms with war and the economy in jeopardy. Sr. did the same thing. When are we going to learn that the republican party seeks to fill it's own agenda's and subvert the american people out of it's tax dollars without taking care of the country that pays them?

I've had enough. Change is inevitable and that's what most are afraid of yet we install change in some form or measure each day of our lives. Why be afraid of it? Because it represents something we are not familiar with? ...Like a black president? Get over it people. He is a man and an American Citizen with all the rights and privileges of such and I think he should be given the chance to do what he says he is going to do, bring about change instead of allowing same ole same ole McCain to produce more of the same we already know we don't like. I guarantee you the country will go into further decline under republican rule.

How much can your wallet stand?


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  Beth n Rod said:
Take away the color of his skin and the name he bears from birth and what is left?

An American. All the research into his legality as a U.S. Citizen has been verified.

I've seen much of the hype and BS emails which are based out of fear and ignorance.

I would much rather vote for someone who would be willing to end our occupation in Iraq and avoid future wars than for someone else who would definitely carry on W's legacy and further plunge this countries economy into the toilet and alienate more nations.

The countries current financial condition is the worst it has been in 27 years! All the republicans used to complain about the dems while the country was recovering from the republicans messes over the years blaming them for the (then) current state of the nation. I listened to the Rush Limbaugh radio talk show a great deal before getting fed up with the rhetoric and bashing which was not helping in the least and only furthered a negativity campaign against the only party in the last 40 years to keep the countries interests first and not go starting wars and invading other countries in their stupidity of thinking that it would "kickstart" the economy and put people back to work. All it did was shift the work to military interest groups and send more jobs overseas and put more americans out of work without developing other avenues for employment to subsidize those affected.

I remember during the Clinton years that he did the right thing and shut down the government instead of creating more debt to keep it running and draining the taxpayers dollars. His efforts help to stabilize the economy and reduce the debt significantly despite his infidelity which had nothing to do with his ability to run the nation.

Where are we now with republican rule? Two consecutive terms with war and the economy in jeopardy. Sr. did the same thing. When are we going to learn that the republican party seeks to fill it's own agenda's and subvert the american people out of it's tax dollars without taking care of the country that pays them?

I've had enough. Change is inevitable and that's what most are afraid of yet we install change in some form or measure each day of our lives. Why be afraid of it? Because it represents something we are not familiar with? ...Like a black president? Get over it people. He is a man and an American Citizen with all the rights and privileges of such and I think he should be given the chance to do what he says he is going to do, bring about change instead of allowing same ole same ole McCain to produce more of the same we already know we don't like. I guarantee you the country will go into further decline under republican rule.

How much can your wallet stand?


I don't care what his middle name is, and I don't care that he's black. I care that he hasn't accomplished anything in his political life. I care that while he may be qualified under the constitution to be President, he hasn't shown or done anything that qualifies him, in my mind, to lead this nation.

I haven't seen anyone here even suggest that being black makes him a poor choice.

You think your wallet is hurting now? Wait until we have 4 or 8 years of a socialistic President trying to push through his socialistic agenda.

There are so so many reasons not to vote for this guy...give me one good reason TO vote for him? Change? What change? Pulling out of Iraq? We're already planning that.

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