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Gas prices


Hear we go again gas prices are going up & up. What a PITA, call or email your elected officials and tell them youu want lower prices, if enough people complain to our elected officials, the prices usually come down. Tell them you'll vote this upcoming election.

Its all a game.

I just saw that the head of Exxon is retiring this month or year and his retirment package is $ 450,000,000 Thats right 450 Million and he made $52 million last year.

Tell me they arent taking advantage of us. capitalism is fine but this is ridiculous. Call your congressman & reps and tell them their jobs are on the line

www.senate.gov or www.house.gov you can find your reps & congressmen and email or call them


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I am the first one to agree with free enterprise. This topic though, maybe because of it's financial affect on me, makes me lean towards government intervention or at the very least, investigation. My hands are tied. I drive to a WaWa where gas is lowest priced and I pay whatever premium they command. I have questions I would like addressed though.

Why are profit margins substantially higher than what they were last year? These margins are overcompensatory when rated against inflation and economic indicators. The gas companies all had the highest earnings last year many of them have ever seen in both percentage anmd dolar rise.

Why are we having shortages? Spring didn't come any earlier this year. Local usage hasn't dramatically increased. Why weren't numbers factored? Why wasn't an adequate supply rendered while tanks were rotationally cleaned and prepped for the ethanol laden gas? My guess is that every available tank is used to stockpile gas at "old" prices should crude rise. It's not a bad racket, buy at old wholesale and sell at new retail. Cha-ching. I used to do it with cigarettes at my old store.

I just heard that a corn shortage is also to blame. I guess now I will paying 200% more for an ear of corn this summer?

Without some type of consumer advocacy, we could easily end up paying $5 per gallon of gasoline. I guess the fuel companies could make it more palpable by temporarily raising the price of gas to $6.50 then when they lower it back to $5 we would al breathe a collective sigh of relief and not dare complain again.

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I sure do hope the rise is fuel prices is a strong enough financial kick in the pants to really get "alternative" fuels more into the main stream. I soooo want to break any ties we have to other countries for our energy needs. That's probably the number one bee in my bonnet. I could go on and on but will spare all of you.

This board is great! I would be lost without it.

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The alternative energies is the only way go for our country. Unfortunitly I really no nothing about it except from what I hear on these BB's which I think is kind of strange I read a couple of newspapers, watch the news and I rarely hear to much about it, except during the Bush State of the union address and 2 days later I heard nothing

Can someone educate me a little about the choices & viabilty of some of the best alternatives that could be put forth and researched and in use LARGE scale within the next few years

Could someone also tell me why they arent in use now

I get a lot of info from you folks help me out here. I'd like to be a little more informed and I'd like to ask my reps & tell them to get to work on this

I heard or read something interesting recently and I thought it was a good idea for a couple reason

The idea was get the US out of Iraq, say get the majority out within the next 1 - 2 years, whch will 1st of all get our military out of harms way and also save at least 100 billion a year. Get the prez & congress to take that money and more, because we need it for this. Have the Prez annouce that the US is going to put 200 Billion a year into developing the most viable alternitive energy for autos . State all this andplan to reduce the use of foriegn oil by whatever a 1/4 or 1/2 within the next 4-8 years

Make this a National calling, Something really big we all, dem, rep, lib can rally around like WW II or getting a man to the moon in the 60's. Another thing this probaly would accomplish is make the oil countries & oil companies possibly reduce rates or get the oil companies more involved in the research ofthese alternitives If they think we are serious they may believe their going to loss it all someday.

Id stand behind my politicians if this was to become a national calling for real

We are America and I bet if we had to or really wanted to we could have gas almost obsolete with in 10 - 15 years. We give subsidies all the time, let the gov subsidize this, it would involve the larger corps too

I dont want to pay $5 a gallon on a whim and I sure dont want some US hating country to have control of us.

Could this be done and could we have alternative fuel within 10 -15 year

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Private business/enterprise is the best place for a new idea. If there were a more efficient, cheaper and practical source of energy, it would have been invented. Private enterprise would make a killing on something like this IF it was profitable. That is why we have overpriced and governement subsidized electric and hybrid cars now, it just isn't profitable or practical yet. Gas at $6.00/ gallon...maybe to some degree but just try using an electric car to run your business with.

That is unless you buy the conspiracy theory that there is a car that runs on water in Area 51 that the government and big oil keep secret.

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Excellent comments, AC! However, this one I don't like! Why is it good news to cap fuel prices?

Mr. Williamson,

I can answer your question with a very clear ( and non- smart allick) response. I simply have never had to focus on fuel prices as much as I have now. The simple fact that I am not that educated in the economics of supply and demand for fuel just make me wish that I didn't have to pay as much as I am paying now. Without crunching any numbers as of yet, but knowing full well that the cost of fuel is tapping into my profits is just hard to swallow.

I can only raise my rates so much to offset the cost of fuel and maintain a profit before I start losing more bids than I land.There will be a point where everything will pan out evenly, with higher fuel prices in the mix. It is just trial and error for me right now. So some may have to forgive my ignorance in this matter. I am still learning the ropes after 2 years of simply running my firm. But I can say for sure that the day of 125.00 single story house washes are over for this kid. It seems every customer has a hard luck story and they think somehow that they are my only customer and deserve a price break somehow.

I simply cannot afford to do price breaks for customers anymore. It's just too expensive for me. I truely am trying to educate all of my customers that this industry is not a fly by night industry. It is a viable need that the people have and expensive for me to keep a company afloat with continuous " gimme a break in price" mentality. It's just too expensive. I am forced to educate myself in matters that I have never had concerns for. But believe me, I am starting to see and sense some understanding in this area as it is being forced on us to pay close attention to it.

After all I am not in business to just break even. I am in it for the profit, after the expenses of running the business. If fuel and materials are keeping me from making a profit, then why am I not just going back under the thumb of the man? I have to raise rates, but they will only go so much higher, before all the doors close in my face.

On another side of the coin, business has never been better than right now and I clearly see your points as well.

So I am learning to adjust in the areas that need it most. For me that is the cost of fuel and that 500.00 a month cc bill.

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Excellent comments, AC! However, this one I don't like! Why is it good news to cap fuel prices? Capping prices at the pump isn't going to stop the price of production from rising. If crude keeps going up, but we cap gas prices where they're at, then I'll tell you exactly what will happen...Prices will stay where tehy're at, and you won't be able to find gasoline...Where's the incentive for gas companies to produce gas if they're not making any, or even losing, money?

Losing money, GIVE ME A BREAK they made some of the highest profits ever last year, the CEO is getting almost a 1/2 billion dollar retirement, the top companies over the time have merged, its almost a fricking Monopoly. The top brass & shareholders are making a killing on us

they only made 9% profit someone said, 9% of billions or trillions of dollars, not bad, I really dont see the gas companies losing money anytime soon. Thats 9% after they pay all the brass 2, 3, 10, 30, 50 million dollars each

Mike I wouldnt worry about the oil companies hurting to much, if they do hurt to much our prez will give them some kind of subsidy or bail them out. But I dont think they'll go under anytime soon. Hell they can take back the CEO's retirement & pay all theiir workers for a year probably

GAS PRICES S--- & its sucking money out of all our wallets and its only getting worse. Hearings are coming and maybe a windfall tax against the oil companies will bring the prices down a little, its an election year and that might help us too

So who ever feels bad for the oil companies, dont worry they arent going bankrupt anytime soon, they'll be alright I'm sure

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... Typically, a man is logical and a woman emotional. That is a stereotype, but true for many couples.

Damn man, even I didn't go there...

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I regret calling Phil an AH, I should of said Doo Doo Head like my son says, or maybe nothing at all

I don't. Besides, you didn't call me an AH. You said I was being an AH. That's not at all unreasonable in a heated personal debate. And given your take on what I said, it's wouldn't have been out of line to outright call me an AH.

Furthermore, I can respect a man that says what he means and means what he says. We can debate, argue, and agree or disagree. What I cannot stand are people who talk out both sides of their mouth or won't speak their piece.

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Arggggg...some poeple are never going to get it.

I give up.

I love it when I get a good Arggggg out of you. You give up, never happen lol.

See you at the next left/right discussion, although I dont think this one will be completely over any time soon the way gas prices are going

Have a good one Mike.

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Hey Jeff

While you are on the phone with your reps about the gas prices I was wondering if you could help me express my concerns to.

You see, I was in office depot buying a 22ml container of liquid paper.It was $1.59. I was totally apalled!!!! How dare they charge that much. You see there are 3,785 ml in a US gallon. So @ 22ml each in volume that is a little more than 172 containers of liquid paper in a gallon. 172 containers at $1.59 each means that liquid paper is $273.00 a gallon. Truly a greater National tragedy must not exist.

OK, so you may say it may take a lifetime to consume a WHOLE gallon of liquid paper. So how about Soda Pop??? 60 cents for a 12 ounce can?? 144 ounces in a gallon. That's 12 cans to a gallon. That comes to $7.20 a gallon.

Now let me see if I have this right....Soda Pop.......Municipal tap water sugar,chems and carbonation.......Packaged locally.......transported locally......then retailed again locally.

Gasoline..... 72.00 a barrel for the crude...72.00/42 gallons=$1.71 a gallon just for the primary raw material..crude oil....Then let's have the cost of running a refinery and the large amounts of power and manpower needed.The advanced catalysts needed to turn black sludge into a highly combustible efficient relatively clean burning fuel... Then transportation costs to the final retailer many so VERY "NOT" LOCAL.

Now the let's factor in the government's role.We have to shut refineries down to make california gas...run a week, shut down, clean out and make Vermont gas...and so on. Plus the pressure on the companies to run all out production is damaging their yields and equipment in the long run. Plus they have to extract the petroleum products like asphalt,tar and gases out of it and process it. Wait a minute.......they take waste products like tar and asphalt and develop them into usable products instead of putting them in a landfill.They sell these products........HOLY COW BATMAN!!!!!!! Does Congress know oil companies generate profits from products OTHER than gasoline!!!!!

OH MY GOODNESS JEFF!!!!This is a whole lot of good info for Congress maybe I will call so they know all the FACTS and not make decisions on what Wolf Blitzer thinks!!!

Long post but totally bored at work working 4 PM to 4 AM.

Love the difference of opinions and never got nearly as ugly as a simple bleach debate.


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Hey Jeff

While you are on the phone with your reps about the gas prices I was wondering if you could help me express my concerns to.

You see, I was in office depot buying a 22ml container of liquid paper.It was $1.59. I was totally apalled!!!! How dare they charge that much. You see there are 3,785 ml in a US gallon. So @ 22ml each in volume that is a little more than 172 containers of liquid paper in a gallon. 172 containers at $1.59 each means that liquid paper is $273.00 a gallon. Truly a greater National tragedy must not exist.

OK, so you may say it may take a lifetime to consume a WHOLE gallon of liquid paper. So how about Soda Pop??? 60 cents for a 12 ounce can?? 144 ounces in a gallon. That's 12 cans to a gallon. That comes to $7.20 a gallon.

Now let me see if I have this right....Soda Pop.......Municipal tap water sugar,chems and carbonation.......Packaged locally.......transported locally......then retailed again locally.

Gasoline..... 72.00 a barrel for the crude...72.00/42 gallons=$1.71 a gallon just for the primary raw material..crude oil....Then let's have the cost of running a refinery and the large amounts of power and manpower needed.The advanced catalysts needed to turn black sludge into a highly combustible efficient relatively clean burning fuel... Then transportation costs to the final retailer many so VERY "NOT" LOCAL.

Now the let's factor in the government's role.We have to shut refineries down to make california gas...run a week, shut down, clean out and make Vermont gas...and so on. Plus the pressure on the companies to run all out production is damaging their yields and equipment in the long run. Plus they have to extract the petroleum products like asphalt,tar and gases out of it and process it. Wait a minute.......they take waste products like tar and asphalt and develop them into usable products instead of putting them in a landfill.They sell these products........HOLY COW BATMAN!!!!!!! Does Congress know oil companies generate profits from products OTHER than gasoline!!!!!

OH MY GOODNESS JEFF!!!!This is a whole lot of good info for Congress maybe I will call so they know all the FACTS and not make decisions on what Wolf Blitzer thinks!!!

Long post but totally bored at work working 4 PM to 4 AM.

Love the difference of opinions and never got nearly as ugly as a simple bleach debate.


I usually dont phone them, BIG phone company conspiracy's, plus GW might be listening in. If I use the phone to much they might see a pattern and next thing you know, black helicopters, binoculars etc

I probably cant help you articulate your views, but you can always try www.senate.gov or www.house.gov .

Im sure they would like to hear from you, I hear the calls, emails and town hall meetings are 98% for lowering the gas prices. Hey they might even put you on CNN, then who know you might have the look Hollywood is looking for, you could be the next Tom Cruise

Have a good one


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Hey they might even put you on CNN, then who know you might have the look Hollywood is looking for, you could be the next Tom Cruise


That's the whole reason I have to avoid cameras now, I do have the right stuff, but would affect my family time too much. It's a lifestyle change I'm not ready to make yet.:lgbounces

Keep the faith Jeff and just concentrate on that mansion you're buiding for you and your family.Some may look at your lifestyle and call you rich.If you change you're mind there is always room at our table on the "right" side.


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Keep the faith Jeff and just concentrate on that mansion you're buiding for you and your family.Some may look at your lifestyle and call you rich.If you change you're mind there is always room at our table on the "right" side.

The way he's headed, Jeff will make it big and powerful long before I will. And once he gets really rich I'll bet the farm he'll change his perspective on big government...

Jeff, I'd LOVE to see the look your face when you get hit with a windfall profits tax because you made too much money last year. I'll even do your taxes for free that year just to hear you rant and rave about it...

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One more thing for Jeff. Please read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and give me your take on it. That should be very interesting. Perhaps then you can answer the question; Who is John Galt?

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The way he's headed, Jeff will make it big and powerful long before I will. And once he gets really rich I'll bet the farm he'll change his perspective on big government...

Jeff, I'd LOVE to see the look your face when you get hit with a windfall profits tax because you made too much money last year. I'll even do your taxes for free that year just to hear you rant and rave about it...

You know I cant stand taxes, but in the same breathe, I dont mind them either. Have to pay for roads, airports, parks, war, pork barrel spending,...........................

Taxes & goverment cant survive with them, cant survive without them. I rant and rave now, just ask my guys when they arent meeting my expectations. I I dont rant & rave about taxes, its more **** & moan

Big & powerful ....... I'll settle for happy & comfortable.


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One more thing for Jeff. Please read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and give me your take on it. That should be very interesting. Perhaps then you can answer the question; Who is John Galt?

Atlas Shrugged, does it have pictures or a place to color LOL

Is this a riddle " Who is John Galt?"

I got one - Knock Knock

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Didn't read too much of the other posts, but here in Australia, in my city its around the $1.40 a litre. Not sure what that equates to in Gallons but damn expensive/. i just got rid of my V6 car and bought a little Toyota Corolla . Its a bumpy ride compared to the old car but cheap to run. Still costs $70.00 to fill. Wallydog.

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Hey Wallydog

I have three pickups. Each one is $95 - $105 to fill depending on which way the wind is blowing. The price per Ltr can change three times a day at the same gas station. No ryme or reason. 90 cents - $1.10 per Ltr. 4.3 ltr's per gallon

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Most likely the pumps are owned by the oil co. They set the prices as often as they wish based on prevailing rates on the crude market. My local station is that way and the owner and I hvae discussed it at length. He owns the store, but chevron calls as often as they wish and instruct him to alter the computer prices. If his set were a little more high tech, he would likely only get the call so he could change the sign.

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Hey Wallydog

I have three pickups. Each one is $95 - $105 to fill depending on which way the wind is blowing. The price per Ltr can change three times a day at the same gas station. No ryme or reason. 90 cents - $1.10 per Ltr. 4.3 ltr's per gallon

At $1.10/liter, my truck would take $142.00 to fill!

At $0.90/liter, it would be $128.00. Ugh!!

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